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Women – Filef Australia
Nuovo Paese 2021

Nuovo Paese luglio/July 2021

NP luglio/July 2021 

Or read this issue of NP here =>>


Editoriale :  Alla ricerca di una sana risposta

Dopo più di un anno dall’inizio della pandemia, la paura e l’incertezza che si sono create sono acute come lo erano all’inizio, quando il COVID-19 era ancora un’incognita.
Tuttavia, l’esperienza maturata fino ad oggi dovrebbe aver fatto luce su come affrontare quella che è prevalentemente una questione medica e di salute pubblica.
 Invece le risposte prodotte hanno riguardato l’ordine pubblico e l’economia politica.
 I servizi ospedalieri non sono stati invasi e, nonostante i moniti delle autorità, la maggior parte dei contagi sono avvenuti sotto la loro sorveglianza.
 Ci sono stati più di 300.000 arrivi attraverso gli aeroporti senza alcuna restrizione, prima della chiusura delle frontiere il 20 marzo 2020.
 Per non parlare delle centinaia di passeggeri infetti sulla Ruby Princess, (la nave della peste), a cui è stato permesso di sbarcare, portando a più di 900 casi di Covid-19 e 28 morti, secondo un’inchiesta del NSW.
 La maggior parte dei contagi da quel momento è avvenuta in case di cura in confinamento o in hotel in quarantena.
 Il proiettile d’argento del vaccino sembra oggi meno sicuro, il che richiede una seria indagine medica, non la propaganda secondo cui “siamo tutti nella stessa barca”.
 Non è questo il caso e non lo è stato, in quanto solo alcuni si sono arricchiti mentre tanti altri hanno perso denaro, alcuni possono viaggiare mentre la maggior parte non può.
 Sarebbe utile ad esempio conoscere le circostanze sanitarie dei decessi per COVID e il numero dei contagiati che si ammalano o che vengono ricoverati.
 I medici devono anche chiedersi seriamente perché i bambini non sembrano essere in pericolo e perché hanno bisogno di essere vaccinati. Non è sufficiente sostenere che lo si fa per proteggere gli adulti.
Pare che alcuni medici si stiano esprimendo contro l’assolutismo dei direttori medici, con la speranza che il virus torni ad essere un problema di salute.

The search for a healthy response

 More than a year into the pandemic and the fear and uncertainty created is as acute as it was at the beginning when COVID-19 was an unknown.
However, the experience to date should have shed some light on how to deal with what is predominantly a medical and public health matter.
Instead the defining responses have been about law and order and the political economy.
Hospital services have not been overrun and despite scolding by authorities most of the infections happened under their watch.
There were more than 300,000 arrivals through airports without any conditions, before border closures were applied on 20 March 2020.
Then there were the hundreds of infected passengers on the Ruby Princess, (the plague ship), who were allowed on shore, leading to more than 900 Covid-19 cases and 28 deaths, according to a NSW inquiry.
Most of the infections since happened under confinement in nursing homes or quarantine hotels.
The vaccine silver bullet seems less certain today, which begs a medical investigation and not the propagandistic we’re all in this together.
That is not and has not been the case as some have been enriched while some have lost money and some can travel while most can’t.
It would be useful for example to know the health circumstances of COVID deaths and how many of the infected become sick or are hospitalized.
Medical professionals also need to seriously ask why children don’t seem to be in danger and why they need to be vaccinated, which isn’t sufficient to argue that it’s to protect adults.
There are signs that some in the medical profession are speaking out against the absolutism of chief medical officers with hope that the virus returns to being a health issue.
News & Events

Write for Rights 2018

Write for Rights 2018

Help celebrate International Human Rights Day by joining the Amnesty International Event, Write for Rights 2018, defending the rights of ten incredible women around the world.

Berkelouw’s Bookshop,


Paddington, 3-5pm,

December 8th

Archive Info Evenings News & Events Special Film & Information Evenings

25 APRIL 1945 – ITALIAN LIBERATION DAY From the Resistance then to global Resistance today THURSDAY 26 APRIL @ 6pm, Leichhardt Library, Italian Forum Piazza, Norton St

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Come and celebrate with FILEF Italian Liberation Day, commemorating 25 April 1945 and the victory of the Resistance to nazi-fascism that gave birth to the Italian Republic and to a Constitution founded on the values of democracy and work.

La Festa della Liberazione or Festa del 25 Aprile is a classic yearly celebration for FILEF and its supporters, over 45 years of activism in Australia. So come and join us!

Academic and early FILEF member professor Joseph Halevi will talk about:


Joseph Halevi graduated in Philosophy and Political Economy in Rome, has been Professor of Economics at the International University College Turin, Italy, since 2010, has taught economics at the University of Sydney, in France and in the United States. In Italy he was member of the Italian Communist Party since the early 1960s. He joined FILEF as soon as he arrived in Sydney in 1978.


Film fan and linguist Cesare Popoli will offer a glimpse oF stories of resistance and liberation by masters of Italian cinema.


The second part of the evening will be dedicated to the current and global resistance movement, led by women against today’s nazi-fascism, its threats to democracy, to human rights and the environment.

The Festa will continue with live music and special offer dinner at La giara in the Forum.

Light refreshments on arrival • Entry by donation
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News & Events

WOMEN’S MARCH SYDNEY 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY Sunday 21st January, 2018 11am Hyde Park

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On the 1 year anniversary of our history making March we will take to the streets to speak up against the ongoing discrimination, harassment, and assault against women around the globe. On the 1 year anniversary of our March we will join together again to take a stand for women.

On January 21st 2018, Women’s March Sydney is inviting everyone who believes in equality, safety, and respect to join us in creating a human chain of individuals linking hands through communities all across Australia.

Our human chain will be a show of strength and solidarity. Our chain will stand as a statement that we are tired of being demeaned, bullied, and violated. Our chain will say no to the ongoing harassment and violence.

Our chain will show that together we are unbroken.

#weareunbroken #metoo #menomore #timesup


Our chain will start in Hyde Park, on January 21st 2018 at 11am.

The event will feature speakers and performers that will be announced over the next week. Keep an eye on our social media!

RSVP now.


Women’s March Sydney are working with Women’s March groups in Melbourne and Brisbane to build chains of solidarity around the entire continent!

We invite any community interested in building a chain to contact us. We will provide a tool kit for building your own local chain.

Are you interested in helping run a hub in your local area? Get in touch.


Is this event for women only?

No. Women’s March Sydney and all of our events are fully inclusive. We encourage everyone to join us in taking a stand against sexual harassment, assault, and violence against women.

Will the event be accessible?

Yes. Women’s March Sydney is committed to ensuring that everyone can safely and comfortably attend our events. We will be announcing specific event details over the coming weeks, but if you have any questions or concerns please contact us.

I want to participate, but I’m not comfortable linking hands with a stranger.

We understand that not everyone will be comfortable with linking hands with someone they don’t know. We invite you to come with friends or family and link hands with them. You can also stand in the chain and not link hands, or bring a sign and hold one end with the person next to you holding the other.

Any other questions? Send us an email at


We’re extremely proud and excited to be partnering with a variety of diverse organisations doing important work across a variety of issues. We thank all of the following groups for their support:

Mums 4 Refugees

The Bumblefly Effect

FOLK Magazine

News & Events

Feminists Laugh Back, Saturday 7th October, 7pm Leichhardt Town Hall

Feminists Laugh Back,

Saturday 7th October, 7pm

Leichhardt Town Hall

All women lineup

Archive Info Evenings News & Events Special Film & Information Evenings


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ITALIAN FORUM CULTURAL CENTRE, Studio 1, Norton St, Leichhardt.

FILEF invites you to an evening exploring the role of women in the new global resistance to the rise of sexism, racism and intolerance.

On International Women’s Day, millions of women around the world and in Australia led protests against this rising tide of hate and division, creating a historic new movement of resistance spreading globally thanks to social media.


What is our role in the multicultural communities here in Australia?


GUESTS include:

  • Mehreen Faruqi, Greens MP in the NSW Legislative Council. Pakistani born, professional engineer and academic, is the first Muslim woman to be a member of an Australian parliament.
  • Penny O’Donnell, Senior lecturer in International Media and Journalism, University of Sydney,
    researcher on intercultural dialogues in the networked environment.
  • Concetta Perna, President of the National Italian-Australian Women’s Association, writer, university lecturer. Author of textbooks aimed at teaching Italian language and culture.
  • Kate Lee, Executive Officer, Union Aid Abroad APHEDA, the global justice organisation of the Australian union movement.


Screenings: 8 marzo/March 8 Filef street theatre pièce on the origin of IWD. Video reportage of women’s global protests.

Q&A and light refreshments will follow.

Entry by donation RSVP / EventBrite

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