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Resistance – Filef Australia
Special Film & Information Evenings

THE RESISTANCE OF THE INDIGENOUS PEOPLES OF THE PHILIPPINES to defend their land, their culture, their future

THE RESISTANCE OF THE INDIGENOUS PEOPLES OF THE PHILIPPINES to defend their land, their culture, their future  

Recorded presentations by:

• Carmelita Mel Baltazar, Chair of Migrante Australia. Prior to her migration in 1990 she was a teacher, leader and organiser of the Alliance of Concerned Teachers since 1982.
Currently she coordinates the welfare and work rights advocacy of Migrante Australia.

• Joanna Carino from the Ibaloi Tribe and one of the foremost leaders of the Cordillera Indigenous Peoples Alliance in the Luzon Island of the Philippines


1. Why is there an armed revolution in the Philippines? (3 minutes)
A quick history of the invasion of the Philippines by the Spanish, the Americans and the dictatorial regimes that followed.

2. Pangandoy: The Manobo fight for land, education and their future. (19 minutes)
The Resistance by the Monobo Tribe of Mindanao to the encroaching of land capitalist enterprise backed up by the arm.

3. Tribal Bae Bibiyaon Bigkay facing parliamentarian Bancy Catamco over violent eviction by the military of displaced indigenous people in Davao. (5 minutes)

4. Tunog Bobongan – FREEDOM OF EDUCATION: Our school is a place for learning not a war zone. Go away! All we want is freedom of education. (4 minutes)

A song by Lumad children against the occupation of their communities and schools by the army and police.

This is a free event but donations can be made towards supporting Indigenous struggle in the Philippines at the following account:


Migrante Australia

BSB 633000
A/C 1441 74653

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Kashmir Resistance

Thursday, 28th November, 2019, Leichhardt Library, Norton St.

Flyer: Kashmir Resistance
Thursay 28th November, 2019
Leichhardt Library, Norton Street.

FILEF and Stand With Kashmir invite you to an information evening about the human rights situation in Kashmir. On 5 August India extended absolute control over Kashmir.
The Modi government imposed a curfew and a communications blackout and sent in more troops. No foreign journalists are allowed to visit Kashmir.

In 1947 the people of Kashmir were promised they could determine their own future. India committed to holding a plebiscite to achieve this and this was backed up by a UN resolution. That promise has never been honoured. This is the most militarised region in the world with one million Indian troops in Kashmir and Jammu. The potential for conflict is massive – both India and Pakistan are nuclear powers.

Stand With Kashmir is working to build global support for their campaign for self-determination.


Anjum Rafiqi, is from Kashmir, he now lives in Sydney and is spokesperson and one of the key organisers of Stand With Kashmir in Australia, working to build global support for their campaign to stop human rights abuses in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. 

Lee Rhiannon, former Green Senator, visited Kashmir in 2018 and since leaving parliament has worked closely with the Kashmir community to achieve their demand for self-determination. 

Q&A will follow. –

Light Refreshments on arrival – Entry by donation  / EventBrite

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Archive Info Evenings News & Events Special Film & Information Evenings

25 APRIL 1945 – ITALIAN LIBERATION DAY From the Resistance then to global Resistance today THURSDAY 26 APRIL @ 6pm, Leichhardt Library, Italian Forum Piazza, Norton St

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Come and celebrate with FILEF Italian Liberation Day, commemorating 25 April 1945 and the victory of the Resistance to nazi-fascism that gave birth to the Italian Republic and to a Constitution founded on the values of democracy and work.

La Festa della Liberazione or Festa del 25 Aprile is a classic yearly celebration for FILEF and its supporters, over 45 years of activism in Australia. So come and join us!

Academic and early FILEF member professor Joseph Halevi will talk about:


Joseph Halevi graduated in Philosophy and Political Economy in Rome, has been Professor of Economics at the International University College Turin, Italy, since 2010, has taught economics at the University of Sydney, in France and in the United States. In Italy he was member of the Italian Communist Party since the early 1960s. He joined FILEF as soon as he arrived in Sydney in 1978.


Film fan and linguist Cesare Popoli will offer a glimpse oF stories of resistance and liberation by masters of Italian cinema.


The second part of the evening will be dedicated to the current and global resistance movement, led by women against today’s nazi-fascism, its threats to democracy, to human rights and the environment.

The Festa will continue with live music and special offer dinner at La giara in the Forum.

Light refreshments on arrival • Entry by donation
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Come and join us on Friday 28 April, 6.30pm

FILEF invites you to an evening commemorating 25 April 1945 and the victory of the Resistance to nazi-fascism that gave birth to the Italian Republic and to a Constitution founded on the values of democracy and work.

La Festa della Liberazione of Festa del 25 Aprile is a classic yearly celebration for FILEF and its supporters, over 45 years of activism in Australia.

Venue: ITALIAN FORUM CULTURAL CENTRE, Studio 1, Norton St, Leichhardt.

Speakers, screenings, refreshments, live music.

GUESTS include:

Umberto Grassi, of the University of Sydney, researcher for ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions, will outline the context of the resistance movements in Europe during WW2 and in the following years, and the role they played in the creation of democracies in their countries.

Frank Panucci, Filef committee member, will give an overview of the relevance of that movment on today’s global resistance to the dangerous rise of populism.

Cesare Popoli, Filef committee member and film fan, will offer a glimpse on stories of resistance and liberation by great masters of Italian cinema.

Entry by donation

EventBrite https: //

All Welcome!!!

News & Events

25 April 1945 – Italian Liberation Day. From the Resistance then to the global Resistance today. Friday 28th April 6:30pm

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25 April 1945 – Italian Liberation Day
From the Resistance then to global Resistance today.

Come and celebrate with FILEF Italian Liberation Day, commemorating 25 April 1945 and the victory of the Resistance to nazi-fascism that gave birth to the Italian Republic and to a Constitution founded on the values of democracy and work.

La Festa della Liberazione or Festa del 25 Aprile is a classic yearly celebration for FILEF and its supporters, over 45 years of activism in Australia. So come and join us!


Umberto Grassi, of the University of Sydney, researcher for ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions, will outline the context of the resistance movements in Europe during WW2 and in the following years, and the role they played in the creation of democracies in their countries.

Frank Panucci, Filef committee member, will give an overview of the relevance of that movement on today’s global resistance to the dangerous rise of populism.

Cesare Popoli, Filef committee member and film fan, will offer a glimpse on stories of resistance and liberation by great masters of Italian cinema.

Entry by donation

Archive Info Evenings News & Events Special Film & Information Evenings


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ITALIAN FORUM CULTURAL CENTRE, Studio 1, Norton St, Leichhardt.

FILEF invites you to an evening exploring the role of women in the new global resistance to the rise of sexism, racism and intolerance.

On International Women’s Day, millions of women around the world and in Australia led protests against this rising tide of hate and division, creating a historic new movement of resistance spreading globally thanks to social media.


What is our role in the multicultural communities here in Australia?


GUESTS include:

  • Mehreen Faruqi, Greens MP in the NSW Legislative Council. Pakistani born, professional engineer and academic, is the first Muslim woman to be a member of an Australian parliament.
  • Penny O’Donnell, Senior lecturer in International Media and Journalism, University of Sydney,
    researcher on intercultural dialogues in the networked environment.
  • Concetta Perna, President of the National Italian-Australian Women’s Association, writer, university lecturer. Author of textbooks aimed at teaching Italian language and culture.
  • Kate Lee, Executive Officer, Union Aid Abroad APHEDA, the global justice organisation of the Australian union movement.


Screenings: 8 marzo/March 8 Filef street theatre pièce on the origin of IWD. Video reportage of women’s global protests.

Q&A and light refreshments will follow.

Entry by donation RSVP / EventBrite

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