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Filef Australia – Page 2
News & Events

Nuovo Paese agosto/August 2021

Nuovo Paese agosto/August 2021

Leaf through NP via this link =>>      or the =>> pdf

L’alibi dell’esperto

Mai prima d’ora i governi si erano affidati così pedissequamente agli esperti come nel caso del Covid-19.
Se il governo degli Stati Uniti avesse ascoltato gli scienziati del progetto Manhattan, che sostenevano che sarebbe stato sufficiente lasciare che i giapponesi assistessero ad un test atomico, non avrebbe ucciso in massa i cittadini di Hiroshima e Nagasaki.
Oggi i governi continuano a ignorare i terribili avvertimenti della comunità scientifica sulle conseguenze catastrofiche per l’umanità dei cambiamenti climatici.
Eppure i governi stanno usando “l’opinione medica degli esperti” per giustificare le misure economiche e di polizia, evitando il giudizio sulle loro decisioni.
 La pandemia deve essere prima di tutto un problema di salute pubblica invece che un imponente spettacolo di polizia nelle comunità stressate dal punto di vista socio-economico (si  pensi a quello che è stato fatto negli appartamenti della commissione per gli alloggi di Melbourne e nel sud-ovest di Sydney).
 Il braccio forte della legge avrebbe dovuto essere usato per sfruttare la capacità dei produttori farmaceutici di produrre vaccini sufficienti, in gran parte sviluppati con denaro pubblico.
 Il problema economico chiave con Covid-19 dovrebbe essere l’allocazione di denaro sufficiente per le risposte mediche.
 Si immaginino le risorse sanitarie (vaccini, strutture di quarantena, servizi ospedalieri) che avrebbero potuto essere schierate con i miliardi dati alle aziende che non avevano bisogno del sussidio ‘jobkeeper’.
 Nella caccia all’illusoria percentuale di vaccinazione comunitaria ritenuta soddisfacente, è irresponsabile non vaccinare i più vulnerabili, lasciandoli morire di Covid-19.
 Secondo i dati del Dipartimento federale della sanità al 27 luglio di quest’anno, il 93% dei decessi per Covid-19 riguardava persone di età superiore ai 70 anni.
 È un mistero il motivo per cui proprio quella categoria vulnerabile non sia stata contattata direttamente, offrendo test e vaccinazioni, come avviene normalmente con i programmi di prevenzione come gli screening per il cancro dell’intestino e del collo dell’utero.
 Ciò consentirebbe un approccio medico a coloro che soffrono di Covid-19 ma è improbabile che muoiano, offrendo vaccini e test invece di traumi, per gestire il Covid e le sue varianti.

Expert alibi

Never before have governments deferred so slavishly to experts as in the case of Covid-19.
If the US government had heeded scientists of the Manhattan project, who argued that it would suffice to let the Japanese witness an atomic test, it would not have en mass murdered Hiroshima and Nagasaki citizens.
Today governments continue to ignore dire warnings from the scientific community about the catastrophic consequences to humanity from climate change.
Yet governments are using ‘expert medical opinion” to justify policing and economic measures, thereby avoiding scrutiny and accountability.
The pandemic must be first of all a public health issue instead of an imposing show of police in socio-economic stressed communities as was done in Melbourne housing commission flats and Sydney’s southwest.
The strong arm of the law should have been used to harness pharmaceuticals’ capacity to produce sufficient vaccines – that were in large part developed with public money.
The key economic issue with Covid-19 should be the allocation of enough money for medical responses.
Imagine the health resources (vaccines, quarantine facilities, hospital services) that could have been marshaled with the billions given through jobseeker to companies that did not need it.
In the chase for the illusive percentage of community vaccination deemed satisfactory, it is irresponsible to leave unvaccinated those most vulnerable of dying from Covid-19.
According to Federal Health Department figures to 27 July this year, 93% of Covid-19 deaths were of people over 70 years of age.
It is a mystery why that vulnerable category has not been directly contacted, offering testing and vaccination, as is done with preventative programs such as bowel and cervical cancer screenings.
This would allow a medical approach to those who suffer Covid-19 but are unlikely to die, while offering vaccines and testing, not trauma, to manage Covid and its variants.
News & Events

Calls for Canberra to Impose Sanctions on Apartheid Israel – Paul Gregoire

Sydney Criminal Lawyers

by Paul Gregoire

Calls for Canberra to Impose Sanctions on Apartheid Israel


….And its due to Israel’s ongoing crimes against humanity – specifically those of apartheid and persecution – that one of the largest Australian human rights and international law petitions – containing 21,991 signatures – was presented to the federal House of Representatives on Monday.

Organised by a number of civil society groups, including the Federation of Italian Migrant Workers and Families (FILEF) and BDS (Boycott, Divest and Sanctions) Australia, the document calls on the Morrison government to impose sanctions upon the Israeli settler colonial state.

“Despite the many UNHRC resolutions condemning Israel’s actions in occupied Palestinian lands, Israel continues to disregard them and continues its aggressive war of occupation against Palestine,” said FILEF secretary and principal petitioner Bruno di Biase.

“This means that direct, nonviolent actions such as sanctions are the only option left to people and governments in order to achieve any positive actions towards peace and recognition of Palestine’s sovereignty by Israel,” he told Sydney Criminal Lawyers… the full article here

Nuovo Paese 2021

Nuovo Paese luglio/July 2021

NP luglio/July 2021 

Or read this issue of NP here =>>


Editoriale :  Alla ricerca di una sana risposta

Dopo più di un anno dall’inizio della pandemia, la paura e l’incertezza che si sono create sono acute come lo erano all’inizio, quando il COVID-19 era ancora un’incognita.
Tuttavia, l’esperienza maturata fino ad oggi dovrebbe aver fatto luce su come affrontare quella che è prevalentemente una questione medica e di salute pubblica.
 Invece le risposte prodotte hanno riguardato l’ordine pubblico e l’economia politica.
 I servizi ospedalieri non sono stati invasi e, nonostante i moniti delle autorità, la maggior parte dei contagi sono avvenuti sotto la loro sorveglianza.
 Ci sono stati più di 300.000 arrivi attraverso gli aeroporti senza alcuna restrizione, prima della chiusura delle frontiere il 20 marzo 2020.
 Per non parlare delle centinaia di passeggeri infetti sulla Ruby Princess, (la nave della peste), a cui è stato permesso di sbarcare, portando a più di 900 casi di Covid-19 e 28 morti, secondo un’inchiesta del NSW.
 La maggior parte dei contagi da quel momento è avvenuta in case di cura in confinamento o in hotel in quarantena.
 Il proiettile d’argento del vaccino sembra oggi meno sicuro, il che richiede una seria indagine medica, non la propaganda secondo cui “siamo tutti nella stessa barca”.
 Non è questo il caso e non lo è stato, in quanto solo alcuni si sono arricchiti mentre tanti altri hanno perso denaro, alcuni possono viaggiare mentre la maggior parte non può.
 Sarebbe utile ad esempio conoscere le circostanze sanitarie dei decessi per COVID e il numero dei contagiati che si ammalano o che vengono ricoverati.
 I medici devono anche chiedersi seriamente perché i bambini non sembrano essere in pericolo e perché hanno bisogno di essere vaccinati. Non è sufficiente sostenere che lo si fa per proteggere gli adulti.
Pare che alcuni medici si stiano esprimendo contro l’assolutismo dei direttori medici, con la speranza che il virus torni ad essere un problema di salute.

The search for a healthy response

 More than a year into the pandemic and the fear and uncertainty created is as acute as it was at the beginning when COVID-19 was an unknown.
However, the experience to date should have shed some light on how to deal with what is predominantly a medical and public health matter.
Instead the defining responses have been about law and order and the political economy.
Hospital services have not been overrun and despite scolding by authorities most of the infections happened under their watch.
There were more than 300,000 arrivals through airports without any conditions, before border closures were applied on 20 March 2020.
Then there were the hundreds of infected passengers on the Ruby Princess, (the plague ship), who were allowed on shore, leading to more than 900 Covid-19 cases and 28 deaths, according to a NSW inquiry.
Most of the infections since happened under confinement in nursing homes or quarantine hotels.
The vaccine silver bullet seems less certain today, which begs a medical investigation and not the propagandistic we’re all in this together.
That is not and has not been the case as some have been enriched while some have lost money and some can travel while most can’t.
It would be useful for example to know the health circumstances of COVID deaths and how many of the infected become sick or are hospitalized.
Medical professionals also need to seriously ask why children don’t seem to be in danger and why they need to be vaccinated, which isn’t sufficient to argue that it’s to protect adults.
There are signs that some in the medical profession are speaking out against the absolutism of chief medical officers with hope that the virus returns to being a health issue.
News & Events

Media Release: Sanction Israel petition presented to Australian Parliament

Media Release


Petition to Sanction Israel presented to Australian parliament

A petition calling on the Australian government to apply targeted sanctions and an arms embargo against Israel will be presented to the federal parliament on Monday Aug 9.

This petition of 21,990 signatures is one of the largest petitions on human rights and international law to be presented to the Australian parliament. It shows that Australian citizens want to see the rule of law applied equally by Australia in its sanctions regime which targets governments and individuals which perpetrate grave human rights abuses.

Due to Israel’s actions over many decades against Palestinians in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and in Israel and the diaspora, the Australian Government has a responsibility as a signatory to numerous international treaties to take action against Israel due to these grave violations of international law, which are also criminal offences under Australian law.

Mr Bruno di Biase, Principal Petitioner – Federation of Italian Migrant Workers and Families

“Despite the many UNHRC resolutions condemning Israel’s actions in occupied Palestinian lands, Israel continues to disregard them and continues its aggressive war of occupation against Palestine. This means that direct, non-violent actions such as sanctions are the only option left to people and governments in order to achieve any positive actions towards peace and recognition of Palestine’s sovereignty by Israel.”

Susan Connelly, Josephine Mitchell, Jan Barnett – Sisters of St Joseph
“Regardless of religion or ethnicity, all human beings can be scapegoats––the weak victimised by the strong. The Jewish people, indigenous peoples, catholics, protestants, muslims, atheists and others have all been victimised. Humanity has now woken up and realises that scapegoats are innocent. As a result, humans often play the victim, thus grotesquely giving themselves a self-righteous permission to scapegoat others––and we can all do it. The Jewish state is victimising Palestinians. Applying sanctions and an arms embargo to Israel is a necessary and civilised action in a world that must continue to resist the victimisation of others.”

Greg Barnes, SC – Australian Council for Free and Fair Speech

“Some Australian politicians led the way globally in arguing for the imposition of sanctions on apartheid South Africa, and rightly so. To fail to do so now in circumstances which clearly demonstrate that apartheid is being practised and in fact is embedded in the Israeli legal system would be shameful. Apartheid is not confined to South Africa.”

 Professor Peter Slezak – Deputy Convenor, BDS Australia
“Israel continues with impunity to perpetuate its long-standing violations of human rights and international law in their blockade of Gaza and brutal occupation of the West Bank. It’s a simple matter of conscience to support justice for Palestinians by targeted sanctions and an arms embargo.”

Emeritus Professor Stuart Rees OAM – Australian Council for Free and Fair Speech
“To speak without fear or favour on the human rights of Palestinians would display respect for the principles of free and fair speech, hence requests to MPs to speak to the ‘Israel Sanctions’ petition coming before parliament on Monday.”

Further information:

Sanction Israel petition, Australian government petition, May 2021
Sanctioning Israel: The Courage to Present Petition to Parliament, Aug 8, 2021
Palestine calls for arms embargo and sanctions at UN, May 16, 2021
A Threshold Crossed, Israeli authorities and the crimes of apartheid and persecution, Human Rights Watch Report, April 27, 2021


News & Events

SANCTION ISRAEL – E-Petition EN2715 – House of Representatives


Successive Israeli governments have severely discriminated against and brutally dominated Palestinians since the Nakba of 1948.  The latest attacks in Gaza(May 2021)  and throughout East Jerusalem, the West Bank and inside Israel show that the Nakba has never ended. The systematic oppression of Palestinians amounts to grave breaches of international law and the crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution. Palestinians have been subject to ongoing largescale military assaults and an illegal 14-year physical and economic blockade in Gaza; a brutal 54-year military occupation; decades-long restrictions on freedom of movement; widespread imposition of an illegal settlement enterprise; confiscation of land and mass denial of residency rights. These actions intentionally and severely deprive millions of Palestinians of key fundamental rights and protections including the right to self-determination, the right of return, the right to equality and non-discrimination, and the rights to life, liberty, health, water, and security. The Australian Government has a responsibility as a signatory to numerous international treaties to take action against Israel due to these grave violations of international law, which are also criminal offences under Australian law.


We therefore ask the House to

1) publicly condemn Israel’s assaults on Palestinians.

2) support targeted sanctions and an arms embargo on Israel.

3) support the suspension of defence cooperation with Israel and end defence industry partnerships.

4) introduce legislation to ban all settlement goods and services from entering Australia.

5) prevent Australian companies from operating, trading, or investing in settlements or contributing to their maintenance and/or expansion.



Special Film & Information Evenings

THE RESISTANCE OF THE INDIGENOUS PEOPLES OF THE PHILIPPINES to defend their land, their culture, their future

THE RESISTANCE OF THE INDIGENOUS PEOPLES OF THE PHILIPPINES to defend their land, their culture, their future  

Recorded presentations by:

• Carmelita Mel Baltazar, Chair of Migrante Australia. Prior to her migration in 1990 she was a teacher, leader and organiser of the Alliance of Concerned Teachers since 1982.
Currently she coordinates the welfare and work rights advocacy of Migrante Australia.

• Joanna Carino from the Ibaloi Tribe and one of the foremost leaders of the Cordillera Indigenous Peoples Alliance in the Luzon Island of the Philippines


1. Why is there an armed revolution in the Philippines? (3 minutes)
A quick history of the invasion of the Philippines by the Spanish, the Americans and the dictatorial regimes that followed.

2. Pangandoy: The Manobo fight for land, education and their future. (19 minutes)
The Resistance by the Monobo Tribe of Mindanao to the encroaching of land capitalist enterprise backed up by the arm.

3. Tribal Bae Bibiyaon Bigkay facing parliamentarian Bancy Catamco over violent eviction by the military of displaced indigenous people in Davao. (5 minutes)

4. Tunog Bobongan – FREEDOM OF EDUCATION: Our school is a place for learning not a war zone. Go away! All we want is freedom of education. (4 minutes)

A song by Lumad children against the occupation of their communities and schools by the army and police.

This is a free event but donations can be made towards supporting Indigenous struggle in the Philippines at the following account:


Migrante Australia

BSB 633000
A/C 1441 74653

Nuovo Paese Nuovo Paese 2021

Nuovo Paese giugno/june 2021

NP giugno/June 2021

Editoriale – Lo stato di violenza

L’ennesimo pestaggio israeliano ai danni dei palestinesi è un evidente esempio di violenza autorizzata dallo stato.
Hamas non è il problema, ma il sintomo di una lunga sottomissione del diritto palestinese alla terra e alla libertà: il riconoscimento di tale diritto prtrebbe portare alla pace.
La sua assenza legittima Hamas come movimento di resistenza e sopravvivenza, sfruttato da Israele per legittimare la sua aggressione come difesa.
Il conflitto è un classico “Davide contro Golia”.
Israele, una nazione ricca di quasi nove milioni, è una delle potenze militari mondiali riconosciute tra quelle dotate di armi nucleari. I palestinesi nella striscia di Gaza (41 km per 10 km) sono quasi due milioni, circa la metà dei quali si affida agli aiuti alimentari giornalieri.
Il primo ministro israeliano Benjamin Netanyahu nononstante il suo ultimo bombardamento brutale su Gaza non ha evitato importanti grane politiche e legali.
Un’umanità globalizzata dovrebbe quanto meno mettere in discussione l’uso di militari addestrati dallo Stato per portare morte e distruzione.
Sfortunatamente, sembra che la cultura militare sia ancora caratterizzata da una forte attitudine all’attacco, come si evince dal recente messaggio agli elettori dell’Australia occidentale dell’assistente ministro della Difesa, Andrew Hastie.
“Il nostro esercito svolge un ruolo vitale nella società australiana, in caso di pandemia, alluvioni o incendi”, ha scritto Hastie. “Ma il core business dell’ADF sarà sempre l’applicazione della violenza letale nella difesa dei nostri valori, sovranità e interessi. Non dovremmo mai dimenticarlo”.
Il parlamentare liberale, entrato nel Parlamento federale nel 2015, ha prestato servizio nel reggimento del servizio aereo speciale d’élite per cinque anni. Ha dunque partecipato alla guerra in Afghanistan – una futile missione costata molti miliardi di dollari che non ha portato la pace, ottenendo solo il pagamento di un pesante tributo umano, per lo più da parte degli afghani.

Editorial – The State of violence

Israel’s pummelling – again – of Palestinians is a too common example of state-sanctioned violence.
Hamas is not the problem but the symptom of a long subjugation of Palestinian right to land and liberty that could deliver peace.
Its absence legitimises Hamas as a movement of resistance and survival, exploited by Israel to legitimise its aggression as defence.
The conflict is a classic David against Goliath struggle.
Israel, an affluent nation of nearly nine million, is one of the world’s military powers recognised as having nuclear weapons.
Palestinians in the Gaza strip of 41km by 10km number nearly two million, about half whom rely on daily food aid.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was facing being removed from office as well as bribery and fraud charges.
His latest brutal bombing of Gaza has not spared Netanyahu from significant political and legal millstones.
However, a globalised humanity must question the use of publicly trained military to wreak death and destruction.
Unfortunately, it seems that military culture is still imbued with a strong attack culture as Australia’s Assistant Defence Minister Andrew Hastie outlined in a message to his West Australian constituents recently.
“Our military serves a vital role across Australian society, whether during pandemic, flood or fire,” Mr Hastie wrote.
“But the ADF’s core business will always be the application of lethal violence in the defence of our values, sovereignty and interests. We should never forget that.”
The Liberal MP, who entered Federal Parliament in 2015, previously served in the elite Special Air Service Regiment for five years, including deployment in the war in Afghanistan – a multi-trillion dollar futile exercise that did not bring peace but extracted a heavy human toll, mostly Afghan.
News & Events

Petition: Stop Australian military aid to the Philippines

To: Minister for Foreign Affairs the Hon Marise Payne

Stop Australian military aid to the Philippines

Supported by Australian military aid, the Philippine government, police force, and military are violently cracking down on Filipino activists and civil society.

The Foreign Affairs Minister must immediately end all military aid to, and training operations in, the Philippines.

Why is this important?

318 human rights workers and activists murdered. 27,000 lives lost to extrajudicial killings. 122 children caught in the crossfire.

In the Philippines, a humanitarian crisis is raging out of control.

Since President Rodrigo Duterte assumed office in June 2016, thousands have lost their lives in his administration’s confected “War Against Drugs” and bloody crackdown on civil society.

Emboldened by Duterte’s encouragement to “go ahead and kill [suspected drug dealers and users] yourself”, the Philippine National Police, Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency, and armed vigilante groups have mercilessly gunned down “suspects” — some as young as 17 years old — on the basis of false or non-existent evidence.

Only three police officers have ever been convicted for their role in the killings.

Under cover of the COVID-19 pandemic, Duterte has escalated his assault on activists, civil society, and the urban poor. While the Philippines braces for a third wave of the virus, police continue to harass and criminalise community pantries, murder Indigenous land rights activists, and “red-tag” (designate as a terrorist and place on a Government watch list) who dares speak out.

As long-term supporters of the Philippine Military and Police Force, Australia has blood on its hands. Yet the Morrison Government refuses to condemn President Duterte and distance itself from his fascist regime.

In February, The Sydney Morning Herald revealed that Australian security agencies provided “technical assistance” over 3 years to help draft the Filipino Anti-Terror Law that experts have dubbed a “‘human rights disaster”. The law provides legal basis for incorrectly labelling activists and humanitarian and civil society groups “terrorists” and allows their harassment, criminalisation, and murder.

The Morrison Government does not publicly disclose the exact monetary value of military aid provided to the Philippines each year. However, the Australian Defence Force provides annual training for personnel from the Philippines Coast Guard and Department of National Defence. The Australian Government has also previously provided military personnel and equipment to the Philippines and trained over 10,000 Filipino army and marine personnel “in urban combat, air strike tactics in an urban environment” — the same tactics used to terrorise Filipinos and Filipino civil society.

In solidarity with activists in the Philippines and the Filipino community in Australia, BAYAN Australia, Migrante Australia, and the Sydney and Melbourne chapters of Anakbayan call on Minister for Foreign Affairs Marise Payne and Minister for Defence Peter Dutton to immediately cease all military aid to the Philippines.

Will you join us in demanding the Australian Government end its role in the bloodshed in the Philippines by immediately ending all military aid to, and training operations in, the Philippines?

Sign the petition


FILEF Adelaide

Filef Adelaide: Immerse your child in an Italian playground: 8th May for 10 weeks

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Nuovo Paese 2021

Nuovo Paese maggio/may 2021

Nuovo Paese maggio/may 2021




La paura – l’altra pandemia

Gli istinti umani primordiali di paura e di fuga sono meccanismi chiave di sopravvivenza che possono prevalere nella reazione al combattimento.
Questo è il motivo per cui la paura è lo strumento privilegiato dei regimi autoritari per imporre la conformità a idee e politiche altrimenti discutibili.
COVID-19 ha inaugurato una pandemia di paura a causa del potenziale mortale del virus, in particolare per gli anziani, soprattutto se la loro immunità è già compromessa.
Tuttavia, la preoccupazione e la cura per le persone maggiormente a rischio non dovrebbero precludere una risposta ragionata e ragionevole.
Limitare il movimento e il contatto è stato, all’inizio, prudente di fronte a un virus mortale, sconosciuto e altamente contagioso.
Tuttavia, dopo più di un anno di esperienza, la risposta alla paura e al congelamento è diventata inadeguata e crea le sue proprie ansie e traumi.
Sembra anche assolvere comodamente i governi dal controllo legittimo, se si pensa in particolare alle incombenti minacce globali derivanti dalla disuguaglianza e dal cambiamento climatico.
Ciò che si può e si deve fare, ora che i vaccini sono disponibili, è proteggere urgentemente i più vulnerabili con i migliori vaccini, e i diritti sui brevetti e le frontiere politiche non dovrebbero costituire un ostacolo.
Sono necessari centri sanitari specializzati designati per prendersi cura degli infetti. Test rapidi e convenienti potrebbero allertare anche le persone asintomatiche, così che non infettino i loro cari e altre persone a rischio.
Sebbene le vaccinazioni riducano la carica virale, sostanzialmente proteggono l’individuo. Proteggere le comunità chiudendo le frontiere è insostenibile e inutile. Il problema può essere affrontato meglio con i test alle partenze e agli arrivi, sostenuti da un isolamento strategico.
Test, autoisolamento, messa in quarantena e ricerca medica dovrebbero sostenere strategie messe a punto da medici esperti.
Le risposte devono trattare gli individui come adulti che hanno bisogno di considerare i politici responsabili dei loro doveri democratici.


Fear – the other pandemic

The primordial human instincts of fear and flight are key survival mechanisms that can trump the fight response.
That is why fear is a favoured tool for authoritarian regimes to enforce compliance to otherwise objectionable ideas and policies.
COVID-19 has ushered a fear pandemic due to the virus’ deadly potential, particularly for the elderly and particularly if their immunity is already compromised.
However, concern and care for those at most risk should not preclude a reasoned and reasonable response.
Restricting movement and contact at the start was prudent in the face of a deadly, unknown, and highly contagious virus.
However, after more than a year’s experience the fear and freeze response is inadequate and creates its own anxieties and trauma.
It also seems to conveniently absolve governments from legitimate scrutiny particularly over looming global threats from inequality and climate change.
What can and must be done, now that vaccines are available, is urgently protect the most vulnerable with the best vaccines, and patent rights and political borders should be no barrier.
Designated specialist health centres are needed to care for the infected, and fast, convenient and affordable testing could alert even asymptomatic individuals so as not to infect their loved ones and others at risk.
Although vaccinations reduce the viral load they basically protect the individual. Protecting communities by closing borders is unsustainable and unnecessary and can be better dealt with testing at departures and arrivals backed by strategic isolation.
Testing, self-isolation, quarantining and medical research should underpin responses that are guided by, and in turn should guide, medical experts.
Responses must treat individuals as grown-ups who need to hold politicians accountable to their democratic duties.

Current Info Evenings News & Events Special Film & Information Evenings

76th Anniversary of Italian Liberation Day, 25th April, 2021

76th Anniversary of the Italian Liberation Day 1945 – film

25th April Italians celebrate Italian Liberation Day, remembering the victory of the Resistance against nazi-fascism in 1945 and which gave birth to the Italian Republic.

This year we remember the Italian struggle of resistance with stories from the Italian Partisans Association (ANPI), in Nonantola (Emilia-Romagna). With the help of Uncle Bruce Shillingsworth, Muruwari and Budjiti man and Water for the Rivers activist, we also acknowledge the resistance of the First Nations People that started in Australia in 1788, when their Country was invaded by foreign forces and continues today.

We are showing a video in two parts:

Part 1:

Bruce Shillingsworth, Muruwari and Budjiti man, a talented artist and water for the rivers activist. His country is the north-west NSW river lands that hug the Namoi, Barwon, Darling Rivers; Brewarrina, Bourke, Enngonia, Wilcannia and Walgett. Uncle Bruce talks about the First Nations struggles against the occupation of their land, the leaders who came before him, the importance of the land, the need for all of us to come together in order to heal and move forward. It also includes footage of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy and of the 70s First Nations activists.  This part of the video is directed and produced by Fabio Cavadini who included excerpts from Alessandro Cavadini’s film Ningla-A-Na.  See trailer here.

Part 2:

Tells us of the way the people of Nonantola organised amongst themselves a resistance against the Nazis, including hiding Jewish children who were in danger of being rounded up and sent to the camps. ANPI Nonantola

The 20min video will be permanently available on our Youtube channel:
Subtitled – Italian and English




Nuovo Paese Nuovo Paese 2021

Nuovo Paese aprile/April 2021

NP aprile/April 2021


Limited humanity

In business, a Limited (Ltd) company structure reduces individual liabilities.
For company owners it limits the responsibility without limiting their scope for beneficial profit and tax arrangements, unlike sole traders who own debts and assets.
It is difficult to avoid a sense that the Morrison Government is too tainted with this convenient, if not so conscientious, business model in administering welfare.
 Major decisions of the Federal Government question the caring commitment that’s been the leitmotif during this pandemic. It has permitted companies to keep hundreds of millions of dollars of jobkeeper subsidies, which it turns out they didn’t need as their profits were not at all dented by COVID-19.
The Government showed none of that largesse to the unemployed who are now back on their pre-pandemic rate with a miserly increase of $25 a week.
The absurdity of those decisions is that while low-income earners have no choice but to spend their money, the well off, have more scope to save. It’s the flow up not the trickle down effect that sustains the economy.
As the American author Studs Terkel famously said of the upper class ‘the only think that trickles down is meanness”.
Another sign of the limited humanity, and that we are NOT in this together, is the Federal Government’s refusal to support patent waivers of pandemic vaccines for poor countries.
India and South Africa have proposed that the World Trade Organization temporarily suspend COVID-19 vaccine and other medical patents to speed up technology transfers to manufacturers with spare production capacity.
The majority of vaccines were developed with public funding particularly in the US, the European Union and Britain.
Their production and availability to those that cannot afford them should be guaranteed, as all humanity will benefit; that is if we are all in this together.


Umanità limitata

Negli affari, una struttura aziendale a responsabilità limitata (Ltd) riduce le responsabilità individuali.
Per i proprietari di queste società si limita la responsabilità senza limitare la possibilità di profitti vantaggiosi e accordi fiscali, mentre le imprese individuali hanno debiti e beni.
Non si può ignorare la sensazione che il governo Morrison sia troppo contaminato da questo modello di business conveniente, se non così coscienzioso, nell’amministrazione del welfare.
Le principali decisioni del governo federale gettano ombre sul cosiddetto “impegno premuroso” che è stato un leitmotiv durante questa pandemia.
Ha permesso alle aziende di mantenere centinaia di milioni di dollari di sussidi per i lavoratori, per poi scoprire che queste non ne avevano bisogno, poiché i loro profitti non erano stati per nulla intaccati dal COVID-19.
Il governo non ha mostrato nulla di quella generosità verso i disoccupati che ora sono tornati al loro tasso di pre-pandemia con un misero aumento di $25 a settimana.
L’assurdità di queste decisioni è che mentre i lavoratori a basso reddito non possono che spendere i loro soldi, i ricchi hanno maggiori possibilità di risparmiare.
È il flusso verso l’alto, non l’effetto di ricaduta che sostiene l’economia.
Come ha detto l’autore americano Studs Terkel a proposito della classe alta: “l’unico pensiero che scorre verso il basso è la meschinità”.
Un altro segno dell’umanità limitata, e del fatto che NON siamo tutti nella stessa barca, è il rifiuto del governo federale di sostenere la rinuncia ai brevetti dei vaccini pandemici per i paesi poveri.
L’India e il Sud Africa hanno proposto che l’Organizzazione mondiale del commercio sospenda temporaneamente il vaccino COVID-19 e altri brevetti medici per accelerare i trasferimenti di tecnologia ai produttori con capacità di produzione di riserva.
La maggior parte dei vaccini è stata sviluppata con finanziamenti pubblici in particolare negli Stati Uniti, nell’Unione Europea e in Gran Bretagna.
La loro produzione e la disponibilità per coloro che non possono permettersele dovrebbero essere garantite, poiché tutta l’umanità ne trarrebbe vantaggio; sarebbe così se fossimo tutti nella stessa barca.


News & Events

BDS Australia calls on UNSW Laureate Professor Alison Bashford to support Palestinians in their struggle against apartheid and brutal repression by rejecting the Dan David Prize.

Press Release 19/02/2020

BDS Australia calls on UNSW Laureate Professor Alison Bashford to support Palestinians in their struggle against apartheid and brutal repression by rejecting the Dan David Prize.

The 2021 prize, which is administered by Tel Aviv University, rewards contributions to the understanding of public health. Yet Israel is currently obstructing the delivery of Covid vaccines to Palestinians, and its illegal military occupation of the West Bank and blockade of the Gaza Strip, which Tel Aviv University facilitates, have systematically attacked Palestinians’ public health for decades.

State-based efforts to bring about justice for Palestinians have comprehensively failed. In response, Palestinians are calling on people of good will to boycott organisations that profit from, contribute to, or normalize Israel’s repression of them. Academics from all over the world have met the call with strong support. As one example only, Prof. Catherine Hall of University College London declined to accept the same Dan David Prize in 2018 after extensive discussion about the politics of Israel-Palestine.

In suggesting that Israel is committed to advances in public health, the Dan David prize obscures the severe rolling health crisis in the occupied territories, and ignores the fact that Israel robs countless Palestinians of their right to health, well-being and ordinary prospects of flourishing. In its structural ties to Israel’s military and political architecture, including fee- waivers and scholarships for Israeli soldiers, and its complicity with the stockpiling of the bodies of dead Palestinians, Tel Aviv University, the prize administrator, directly facilitates the violence of Israel’s apartheid policies.

Millions of Palestinians are subjected to Israel’s slow ethnic-cleansing regime, which dispossesses, arbitrarily imprisons, maims and kills them in large numbers. To them, a high-profile prize from the heart of the Israeli political and academic establishment can only appear a cruel joke.

Professor Bashford, accepting the prize contributes to misleading the public about Israel’s violence and racism towards Palestinians, and legitimizes institutions at the centre of Israel’s apartheid policies. We therefore ask you to put into practice your declared commitments to public health and antiracism, and respect Palestinians’ call for solidarity by boycotting the Dan David prize. You surely would not have been an apologist for South Africa’s apartheid; we ask you to refuse to be one for Israel’s apartheid and brutal military occupation and blockade of Palestinians.

Nuovo Paese 2021

Nuovo Paese feb 2021

NP feb 2021  

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The new normal must be better

As advertising and its offshoot public relations attest, psychology can be a powerful weapon.
At its most successful it can connect to and penetrate innate human instincts and sentiments in ways that can more than match reason.
A current example is the unquestioning global acceptance of a ‘new normal’, driven by the fear of COVID-19.
None of the many tumultuous and rapid changes in modern history, which transformed, disfigured and in many cases destroyed natural and social environments, were ever described as ushering in a ‘new normal’ in personal and social relationships.
Examples of momentous upheavals are the steam engine, industrialisation, jet travel, automation, space travel, tuberculosis, Ebola, SARS, digital technology, social media and the internet of things.
However, none was depicted as presenting a bleak, unusual and unnatural state of isolation and separation.
But, that is the case behind the sloganeering such as ‘we’re all in this together’ while personal and social relations are legally limited.
It’s a puzzle why environmental destruction, of which climate change presents the most imminent risk to humanity, has not evoked the sentiment that  ‘we’re all in this together’.
Meanwhile, governments are spending unprecedented phenomenal amounts of money to save failing economies under urging by global financial institutions which had been discredited by the 2007/08 Global Financial Crisis.
A better normal is needed not the ‘new normal’, which has been pummelled into the public psyche to prop a profoundly unfair system whose survival depends on people with the least money to spend.
The largesse, demanded by global finance and accepted by governments, is not driven by ‘care’ and is not a biblical conversion on the way to Damascus of the conservative lobby to Keynesian economics.

Debt and spending must be transformative otherwise the professed ‘care’ will be a cruel con.


La nuova normalità deve essere migliore

Come è dimostrato dalla pubblicità e dalle sue conseguenze sulle relazioni pubbliche, la psicologia può essere un’arma potente.

Quando raggiunge il suo pieno scopo, può connettersi e penetrare istinti e sentimenti umani innati in modi che possono prevaricare la razionalità.
Un esempio attuale è l’indiscussa accettazione globale di una “nuova normalità”, all’insegna della paura del COVID-19.
Nessuno dei tanti tumultuosi e rapidi cambiamenti nella storia moderna, che hanno trasformato, sfigurato e in molti casi distrutto gli ambienti naturali e sociali, era mai stato descritto come l’inizio di una “nuova normalità” nelle relazioni personali e sociali.
Il motore, l’industrializzazione, i viaggi in aereo, l’automazione, i viaggi nello spazio, la tubercolosi, l’Ebola, la SARS, la tecnologia digitale, i social media e Internet in generale, sono esempi di sconvolgimenti epocali.
Tuttavia, nessuno è stato descritto come fautore di uno stato di isolamento e separazione tetro, insolito e innaturale.
Questo è ciò che si cela dietro slogan come “ siamo tutti nella stessa barca”, mentre vengono applicate rigorose costrizioni alle relazioni personali e sociali.
È un mistero il motivo per cui la distruzione ambientale, di cui il cambiamento climatico rappresenta il rischio più grande per l’umanità moderna, non abbia evocato gli stessi sentimenti di “siamo tutti nella stessa barca”.
Nel frattempo, i governi stanno spendendo quantità di fenomenali denaro senza precedenti per salvare economie in fallimento sotto la spinta delle istituzioni finanziarie globali, già screditate dalla crisi finanziaria globale del 2007/08.
È necessaria una normalità migliore, non la “nuova normalità ‘’, che è stata presa a pugni nella psiche pubblica per lanciare un sistema profondamente ingiusto la cui sopravvivenza dipende dalle persone che hanno meno soldi da spendere.
La generosità, richiesta dalla finanza globale e accettata dai governi, non è guidata dalla voglia di curare e non è una conversione biblica sulla via di Damasco della lobby conservatrice all’economia keynesiana.
Debito e spesa devono essere trasformativi, altrimenti la cosiddetta “cura” sarà una truffa crudele.
News & Events Nuovo Paese Nuovo Paese 2021

Nuovo Paese Jan | gennaio 2021

NUOVO PAESE  gen/jan 2021


La fenomenale concentrazione di ricchezza

La somma del reddito di Facebook e Amazon ha superato quello del governo australiano.
Il totale riportato dei ricavi dei due giganti della tecnologia negli ultimi 12 mesi è stato di 518 miliardi di dollari (The Australian Financial Review, NY Special Dec 29-Jan 3, 2021).
Questa somma supera (enormemente) le entrate del governo federale per l’anno finanziario 2020 di 469 miliardi di dollari.
Se si pensa agli introiti di altre società e multinazionali, sarebbe facile concludere che la fenomenale concentrazione di ricchezza sia stata tutt’altro che attenuata dalla pandemia.
È difficile immaginare il livello di ricchezza privata e aziendale che esiste se si aggiungono altri redditi non governativi.
Sarebbe interessante sapere quanta di quella ricchezza sta guidando le politiche definite “pandenomiche”.
Fa sorridere che i governi, che prima della pandemia venivano rimproverati se erano inclini al debito, vengano ora sollecitati ad aumentare i livelli del debito.
Dietro questa politica non convenzionale c’è uno tsunami di denaro a buon mercato, tassi di interesse bassi e allentamento quantitativo da parte delle banche centrali per trilioni di dollari (una stima fissa la cifra a 40 trilioni) per salvare posti di lavoro e sostenere i consumi delle famiglie.
In un recente documento (Garantire la ricchezza delle nazioni), il segretario del Dipartimento degli affari interni Michael Pezzullo ha avvertito che i due giganti della tecnologia stavano lavorando apertamente e furtivamente per spostare l’enfasi globale dai cittadini ai consumatori per “interessi commerciali espliciti”.
Pezzullo sostiene che questo sia stato motivato dall’ideologia del comunalismo libertario che non “ha raggiunto né la libertà dell’individuo, né alcun senso significativo della comunità”.
Senza abbassare la guardia nella contro l’attuale pandemia, è necessario ritrovare la calma oggettiva per valutare adeguatamente l’economia e utilizzare le spese correnti e considerevoli per liberarsi dai malesseri intrattabili e costruire comunità sostenibili, sicure e libere.


The phenomenal concentration of wealth

Facebook and Amazon’s combined income has surpassed that of the Australian Government’s income.
The two tech-giant’s combined revenue for the last reported 12 months was $518 billion (The Australian Financial Review, NY Special Dec 29-Jan 3, 2021).
This was handsomely more than the federal government’s revenue for the financial year 2020 of $469 billion.
If the revenue of other recession proofed companies and corporations were to be added, it would hint at the phenomenal concentration of wealth that has been anything but abated by the pandemic.
It is difficult to imagine the level of private and corporate wealth that exists if other non-government incomes are added.
It would be interesting to know what amount of that wealth is driving policies that have been termed as ‘pandenomics’.
The irony is that governments, which pre-pandemic were chastised if they were debt prone, are being urged to increase debt levels.
Behind this unconventional policy is a tsunami of cheap money, low interest rates and quantitative easing by central banks as trillions of dollars, one estimate puts the figure at $40 trillion, to save jobs and sustain household consumption.
In a recent paper by Department of Home Affairs secretary Michael Pezzullo (Securing the Wealth of Nations) warned that the two tech giants were overtly and stealthily working to shift the global emphasis from citizens to consumers for ‘explicit commercial interests’.
He said this was motivated by an ideology of libertarian communalism that did not ‘achieve either the liberty of the individual, or any meaningful sense of the community’.
Notwithstanding the struggle against the current pandemic, there is a need to regain the objective calm to properly assess economics and use current and considerable expenditures to break from intractable malaises and build sustainable, safe and free communities.