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Archive Info Evenings – Page 2 – Filef Australia
Archive Info Evenings News & Events Special Film & Information Evenings

Special Film Night May 2018 – Time to Draw The Line

Video is now available of the FILEF Information evening (for May 2018) on Australia’s chequered history with Timor in particular the vexed issue of the Maritime Boundaries between Australia and its newest and smallest neighbour, Timor-Leste

 Time to Draw the Line   


Archive Info Evenings News & Events Special Film & Information Evenings

THE HUNGRY TIDE by Tom Zubrycki – special screening Thursday, October 4th, 6pm, Leichhardt Library, Piazza Level, Italian Forum, Norton St.

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Acclaimed documentary filmmaker Tom Zubrycki and FILEF invite you to a special screening of  THE HUNGRY TIDE.

A personal story about the impact of climate change on the small Pacific nation of KIRIBATI, one of the countries in the world most vulnerable to climate change, where sea level rise is threatening the lives of 105,000 people in 33 atolls.

Tom Zubrycki’s documentaries on social, environmental and political issues have earned an international reputation for their truthfulness, realism and humanity. For the last 35 years his documentaries have mapped Australia’s changing social and political landscape, and have won international prizes and have been screened around the world. Apart from making films, Tom is also a teacher of Documentary, helping prepare the new generation of dedicated filmmakers.

SPECIAL GUEST: Vincent Sicari is a project officer with the Pacific Calling Partnership, an NGO which facilitates links between concerned people in Australia and the small island nations of the Pacific most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Vincent is currently involved in the delivery of a program which aims to provide leadership training to young Pacific Islanders.

Q&A will follow
Light Refreshments on arrival Entry by donation
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The Struggle for Human Rights and Lasting Peace in the Philippines, Thursday, 30th August, 2018, 6 PM Leichhardt Library, Meeting Room, Piazza Level, Italian Forum, 23 Norton Street.

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FILEF and Migrante (Filipino Community Organization) invite you to a special screening of short documentaries by
KILAB Multimedia, a filmmakers group focusing on news stories on the indigenous and other marginalized sectors of Mindanao and on different aspects of the Human Rights struggle in the Philippines.

* Screening of documentary shorts by KILAB multimedia
* SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKER : Professor Gill Boehringer
lawyer and international Human Rights advocate.

Q & A will follow – Light refreshments on arrival –
Entry by donation RSVP / Eventbrite

Our next event will be on Thursday 27 September

Archive Info Evenings Special Film & Information Evenings

Key Moments and More in Australia’s Union HIstory – Frontyard Films

2 August 2018

0:25 – THE GREAT STRIKE 1917 Trailer

3:00 – The Aboriginal Wharfie Delegation

Archive Info Evenings News & Events Special Film & Information Evenings

KEY MOMENTS IN AUSTRALIA’S UNION HISTORY BY FRONTYARD FILMS Thursday 2 August 6.00pm Leichhardt Library, Norton St Leichhardt

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Frontyard Films and FILEF invite you to a special screening of short documentaries about some of the union movement’s pivotal historical moments: the 1917 Great Strike – the largest industrial action in Australian history – the unionisation of Aboriginal workers – and the infamous Patrick dispute on Sydney wharves in 1998.

Frontyard Films is the film partnership of documentary filmmakers Amanda ‘Mandy’ King and Fabio Cavadini, who have been making films together for over 30 years, discovering and documenting stories in Australia and in the Pacific region – about the environment, Indigenous rights and the arts. Their films have screened at festivals, theatres and museums around the world.

Frontyard Films is currently working on 2 feature length documentaries, the shorts of which will be shown on the night.

Link to Trailer ‘The Great Strike 1917’


Paul Keating Deputy Branch Secretary,

Sydney Branch of the Maritime Union of Australia, MUA.

Paul has been active over the years, in particular by defending MUA members during the 2015 campaign against illegal sackings in Port Botany, as well as supporting local community actions, such as the campaign against WestConnex.

Q&A will follow.

Light Refreshments on arrival

Entry by donation

RSVP EventBrite

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Our next event will be held on Thursday 30 August at 6pm

Archive Info Evenings News & Events Special Film & Information Evenings

Spontaneous Productions | films by Russ Hermann

28 June 2018


Russ Hermann: Video Selection Part 1

00:00 Brisbane Commonwealth Games, Aboriginal Demonstration

5:02     Kemira Mine Closure

6:25    David Bellamy on saving Franklin River

11:42    Deep Bells Ring on Paul Robeson

14:38   Danny Glover visits Tranby College

17:32   National Textiles workers entitlements

28:08    Patricks Dispute Interview John Coombs ends 28’08”


Russ Hermann: Video Selection Part 2

00      Saving Erko Estate 00

8:45   CFMEU Miners against Work Choices, 8’45″

14:19   Saving Millers Point, 13’19″

17:54   WEST CONNEX – Heritage House, 17’54″

18:54  Haberfield School 18’44″

26:39  Road to Nowhere 22’13”, finishes 26’39”.


Link to film


Archive Info Evenings News & Events Special Film & Information Evenings

Now online: Book Launch of Umberto Lavezzari’s memoir La Mia Liguria – at Leichhardt Library March 18, 2018

Video record of the book launch of Umberto Lavezzari’s memoir La Mia Liguria


Archive Info Evenings News & Events Special Film & Information Evenings

Spontaneous Productions – Four decades of political film making Thursday, June 28 at 6 PM – 8PM Leichhardt Library The Forum Norton Street, Leichhardt

Spontaneous Productions and FILEF invite you to a special screening of short films on political activism in Sydney by senior filmmaker Russ Hermann.

Over the years Spontaneous Productions has been covering most of the major struggles and campaigns in Sydney, going from workers’ and Indigenous rights to the defence of the environment and to tenants’ rights, as well as promoting and documenting community arts.
The latest production is Road to Nowhere, a look at the ongoing campaign to stop WestConnex, a colossal toll road system threatening to strangle Sydney in vehicle traffic and pollution.
The “Public Transport not Motorways” campaign reflects the growing opposition to the project from the community, including many victims of forced demolitions and health threats.

SPECIAL GUEST Rochelle Porteous, Greens Inner West Councillor, who has been on the front line in the campaign to stop the obnoxious WestConnex project in favour of public transport.

Leichhardt Library – Italian Forum Piazza level, 23 Norton Street

Archive Info Evenings News & Events Special Film & Information Evenings

Time to Draw the Line – Special Screening, Thursday 31st May, 6pm Leichhardt Library

31 maggio
Archive Info Evenings News & Events Special Film & Information Evenings

25 APRIL 1945 – ITALIAN LIBERATION DAY From the Resistance then to global Resistance today THURSDAY 26 APRIL @ 6pm, Leichhardt Library, Italian Forum Piazza, Norton St

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Come and celebrate with FILEF Italian Liberation Day, commemorating 25 April 1945 and the victory of the Resistance to nazi-fascism that gave birth to the Italian Republic and to a Constitution founded on the values of democracy and work.

La Festa della Liberazione or Festa del 25 Aprile is a classic yearly celebration for FILEF and its supporters, over 45 years of activism in Australia. So come and join us!

Academic and early FILEF member professor Joseph Halevi will talk about:


Joseph Halevi graduated in Philosophy and Political Economy in Rome, has been Professor of Economics at the International University College Turin, Italy, since 2010, has taught economics at the University of Sydney, in France and in the United States. In Italy he was member of the Italian Communist Party since the early 1960s. He joined FILEF as soon as he arrived in Sydney in 1978.


Film fan and linguist Cesare Popoli will offer a glimpse oF stories of resistance and liberation by masters of Italian cinema.


The second part of the evening will be dedicated to the current and global resistance movement, led by women against today’s nazi-fascism, its threats to democracy, to human rights and the environment.

The Festa will continue with live music and special offer dinner at La giara in the Forum.

Light refreshments on arrival • Entry by donation
RSVP or on Facebook  
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First Nations Peoples: Growing up in Sydney’s Inner West – Thursday, 19th April 6pm Leichhardt Library

FILEF and the INNER WEST COUNCIL invite you to a cultural and oral history evening as part of the Inner West Council Library and History 2018 Heritage Festival – My Culture My Story

Growing up in Sydney’s Inner West with Ken Canning

Growing up in Sydney’s Inner West in the 60s, Aboriginal boys would often find themselves on the same side as Italians and other ‘ethnics’, as targets of the bullying, if not open racism, of ‘anglo’ kids.
Over the years, progressive organizations from migrant communities, such as FILEF, regularly sided with Indigenous Australians in the struggle for their rights.

One example was the coalition “Migrants for Aboriginal Rights”, formed for the 1988 Bicentenary of the Invasion.

Ken Canning, a Murri activist and poet from the Bidjara Nation in Queensland, grew up in Leichhardt. He is Chairperson, Indigenous Social Justice Association and founding member of Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning at the University of Technology Sydney. Ken will talk on his experience growing up and also review current issues concerning the First Nations Peoples.

Q & A will follow – Light refreshments on arrival – Entry by donation


Archive Info Evenings Special Film & Information Evenings

Time to Draw the Line

31 May 2018

Time to Draw The Line


A contemporary David and Goliath battle, on the vexed issue of maritime boundaries between Australian and its newest and smallest neighbour, Timor Leste.

An emotional study of Australia’s long connection to Timor Leste revealing a chequered relationship of friendship and betrayal.

Frontyard Films is the film production company of Australian documentary filmmakers Amanda ‘Mandy’ King and Fabio Cavadini, who have been making films together for more than 20 years.


Click the link to the film  Time to Draw the Line

Archive Info Evenings News & Events Special Film & Information Evenings

La mia Liguria: 1930-1958 Umberto Lavezzari – now available on line

La mia Liguria: 1930-1958 by Umberto Lavezzari

Umberto Lavezzari, un uomo tanto affascinante quanto difficile: intelligente e fiero, ambizioso e tenace, onesto, responsabile. Uscito non indenne da una famiglia dysfunctional, lo seguiamo attraverrso un’adolescenza di stenti fino a quando approda, non ancora trentenne, a una piena maturità orgogliosa ed impegnata, pronto a lasciare la sua amata Preli per partire con la moglie Carmen verso l’Australia.

L’autobiografia è ricca di vignette: la madre, il padre, i vicini di casa, i bottegai di Preli, i burocrati, i padroni di Genova, gli operai in Svizzera e tanti altri personaggi popolano il periodo storico del fascismo, della guerra e del dopoguerra fino agli anni Cinquanta…

Click on the link below to access on-line:

Archive Info Evenings News & Events Special Film & Information Evenings

Book launch – La mia Liguria 1930-1958 Umberto Lavezzari, 1st March 2018, Leichhardt Library

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LA MIA LIGURIA  1930-1958

Celebrating the life and achievements of Umberto Lavezzari, a Genovese migrant in Sydney.

Childhood, adolescence and early years of a man: worker, artist and entrepreneur.

Songs/canzoni di Fabrizio de Andrè by Pino Scuro on guitar.
Light Geneovese finger food/assagini

Starting 6:00pm

RSVP Facebook or Eventbrite


Archive Info Evenings Nuovo Paese Special Film & Information Evenings

50th Anniversary of the Belice Earthquake 15th March, 2018 Leichhardt Library

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Photographic Exhibition & Book Launch:

LA TARANTELLA DEL FANGO (The Mud Tarantella) by Franco Baldi and Anna Maria Lo Castro

  • Projection of original footage and documentary
  •  Q & A will follow

Light Refreshments on arrival
Entry by donation

RSVP / EventBrite