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Archive Info Evenings – Filef Australia
Archive Info Evenings News & Events Special Film & Information Evenings

BUWARRALA ARYAH Journey West – Special Film Event starts 1st October 2020


In the gulf of Carpentaria in Northern Australia, Aboriginal elders lead their community to a traditional walk across Country to re-connect children and youth to their culture.

DIRECTOR: Gadrian Jarwijaimar Hoosan, a Garrwa man who lives in Borroloola, Yanyuwa Country, gulf of Carpentaria. At the age of 12 he had his first experience with filmmaking appearing in the first 1988 documentary Buwarral Agarriya Journey East, active in the music scene, forming the Sandridge Band, and collaborating on documentaries including We Paint We Belong, and Water is Life.

PRODUCERS: Amanda King & Fabio Cavadini of Frontyard Films will present the documentary. They have been a producing and directing since 1987 a string of documentaries focusing on environ- mental and social justice issues in the Pacific and Australia.

CO-PRODUCER: Jason Di Santolo, a Garrwa and Barunggam man, a creative producer, Associate Professor at University of Technology Sydney and a core member of SIC Strengthening Indigenous Communities.

Click the link
to view the film and an introduction by FILEF, Frontyard Films producers Fabio Cavadini and Mandy King and director, Gadrian Jarwijaimar Hoosan, a Garrwa man

Archive Info Evenings News & Events Special Film & Information Evenings

Human Rights and Resistance in West Papua

FILEF and the Australia-West Papua Association invite you to special film event online on the struggle of West Papuans for their independence and freedom from Indonesian occupation of their land.

Watch an update on the current situation by Veronica Korman, indonesian lawyer defending incarcerated West Papuan activists and herself an exile following trumped up charges by the Indonesian police, and  Ronny Kareni, a representative in Australia of the United Liberation Movement for West Papua.

Following the speakers’ update you can watch the acclaimed Film Australia documentary LAND OF THE MORNING STAR by journalist Mark Worth, broadcast by the ABC. The film features rare archival film and eyewitness accounts.

View interviews and film here


The event starts on THURSDAY 30th of JULY 2020 and the film will stay on YouTube after the event.

Archive Info Evenings News & Events Special Film & Information Evenings

Bella Ciao album

1. Sant Antonio

2.  Velo Nero

3. Sebben che siamo donne















Archive Info Evenings News & Events Special Film & Information Evenings

When the River runs Dry

Following the online Forum run by Amnesty Australia this month to mark Reconciliation Week, FILEF invites you to watch



52 min | Directed by: Rory McLeod/Peter Yates  – Streaming online at SBS on Demand until June 30th
An exploration of the rules governing the Murray Darling Basin and how they are destroying the environment, causing extinction-level events and displacing First Nations communities, as water rights and security become increasingly vital issues for them.
The film brings Indigenous voices to the fore in the form of the Barkindji, the people of the River, who, after one hundred and seventy years, have become dispossessed and marginalised. The Barkindji survived because of the Baaka, the Darling River, and now, due to the decimation of this vital river system, they no longer feel connected to their dreaming, their totems, or their culture.
When the River Runs Dry shines a light on what is happening and manifests how we, as a country, need to bring this immense, beautiful and remote river system back from the brink of catastrophe.
This film is both a celebration of the resilience of people and nature, and a call to arms.

The film is introduced by uncle Bruce Shillingsworth (see interview here) activist in the Water for the Rivers movement from the north-west NSW, where communities have been devastated, by water mismanagement and stealing along three states, by big cotton farmers and irrigators.
The evils of racism against the First Nations peoples in land and water dispossession, echoing 250 years of discrimination, call for a public outrage much like that inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement, to highlight the tragedy of Aboriginal deaths in custody and very high incarceration rates.

This is a free event, but a donation towards funding for elders along the river would be appreciated.

We need your help urgently! We’ve collected more than 2 dozen much needed care beds that will assist those with medical needs along the Baaka (Barwon Darling River). These funds will assist in transportation of the beds from Sydney to patients in remote/isolated communities such as Brewarrina, Wilcannia, Walgett and Bourke (including Enngonia). Many people in these communities have medical conditions that restrict their mobility but they don’t have access to therapeutic bedding. These beds are medical grade, motorised, heavy duty and durable which include hospital grade mattresses. We are pushing for the delivery of these beds by early July!

Archive Info Evenings Special Film & Information Evenings

Connection to Country. The Pilbara. ONLINE STREAMING: From Thursday, 28th May, 7pm to 30th May, 2020 7pm 2020

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Connection to Country. The Pilbara.

28th May, 7pm  to 7pm, 30th May
Login Guest Account:
FILEF Password: artfilms

The old people always say, the land don’t belong to us, we belong to the land

The battle by the Indigenous people of the Pilbara region in Western Australia to preserve 50,000- year-old rock art sites and sacred cultural heritage from the ravages of a booming mining industry.
The Burrup Peninsula (or Murujuga), in the Pilbara region, holds the largest concentration of rock art in the world, dating back over 50,000 years.
An ancient landscape so sacred that some parts shouldn’t be looked upon at all, except by Traditional Owners.

Director, Tyson Mowarin shows how he and the people of the Pilbara are fighting back, by documenting the rock art, recording sacred sites and battling to get their unique cultural heritage recognised, recorded and celebrated.


Follow us on Facebook and subscribe for email updates

Archive Info Evenings News & Events Special Film & Information Evenings

25 APRIL 1945 – ITALIAN LIBERATION DAY From the Resistance then to global Resistance today

Join FILEF to celebrate Italian Liberation Day, commemorating 25 April 1945 and the Victory of the Resistance against nazi-fascism that gave birth to the Italian Republic and to a Constitution founded on the values of democracy and work.

The Festa della Liberazione or Festa del 25 Aprile is a classic yearly celebration for FILEF and its supporters, over nearly 50 years of activism in Australia.

 Pierina Pirisi, historical founder and activist of Filef in Australia, will speak on Women in the Italian Resistance,

Film fan and linguist, Cesare Popoli has compiled dramatic stories of resistance and liberation by great masters of Italian cinema

Click the link here 

So come and join us!

In the meantime enjoy the song Bella Ciao

recorded by the Filef Group Bella Ciao in 1982.


Archive Info Evenings

Against Our Oath

27 February 2020

Against Our Oath

Filmed over four years by journalist, Heather Kirkpatrick, 2013 Walkley Award finalist and the winner of a 2014 United Nations Media Peace Prize.

Screening of a documentary feature film on doctors working with asylum seekers who arrived in Australia by boat and are detained on the remote Pacific islands of Manus and Nauru. Ethical conflicts erupt as the Australian government overrides the clinical decisions made for refugee patients. If doctors cannot follow their medical ethics what will happen to their patients?

See Trailer 

Archive Info Evenings

Kashmir Resistance

28 November 2019

                           Kashmir Resistance




Anjum Rafiqi, is from Kashmir, he now lives in Sydney and is spokesperson and one of the key organisers of Stand With Kashmir in Australia, working to build global support for their campaign to stop human rights abuses in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

Lee Rhiannon, former Green Senator, visited Kashmir in 2018 and since leaving parliament has worked closely with the Kashmir community to achieve their demand for self-determination.


FILMS:   13 Films to watch on Kashmir


Archive Info Evenings News & Events

PALESTINE DIARIES 2019 Thursday, 31st October, 2019, Leichhardt Library Meeting Room


FILEF and the Coalition for Justice and Peace in Palestine (CJPP) invite you to an information evening dedicated to the present situation in Palestine.

Hear from two members of the Coalition for Justice and Peace in Palestine (CJPP) about their recent visit to the Occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Stories, photos and reports.

At a time when the so-called peace process has been compromised once again, when the repression by Israel is harder than ever. A time when international solidarity with the Palestinian people is more necessary than ever.




Archive Info Evenings News & Events Special Film & Information Evenings

The Rise of the Far Right in Europe: The impact on human rights. Thursday, 26th September, 2019. Leichhardt Library.

In the FILEF information evening series on advocacy and human rights,  the event on Thursday 26th September  2019 at the Leichhardt Library was focused on the rise of the far right and of new nationalisms in Europe.

These developments are posing a serious threat to the social and civil rights gained after decades of political struggles. Xenophobia, homophobia and fear of diversity in general are spreading more and more among Europeans and are now a fully-fledged part of right-wing propaganda, aim of which is to scapegoat migrants, refugees and other minorities.


Daniele Fulvi, PhD student in Philosophy and a Teaching assistant at Western Sydney University. He also writes for Green Left Weekly and for the Italian online journal The Vision.


AP Exclusive: Europe’s far-right wooing the young

Makes sure you return to the FILEF web page after viewing the videos!

Italy Is Trying to Criminalize Migrant-Rescue Boats – Vice News

Tecber Ahmed Saleh, Western Sahara human rights advocate, gave us an update on a case of unfinished decolonisation, in Western Sahara, where a struggle for independence continues since Morocco’s invasion of Western Sahara in 1975.

Saleh lives in the Saharawi refugee camp in South West Algeria where she works for the Ministry of Health.





Archive Info Evenings News & Events Special Film & Information Evenings

Human Rights and Resistance in West Papua: An Update 29th August, 2019

Our information evening of Thursday 29 August at the Leichhardt Library dealt with the human right situation in West Papua, the former Dutch Colony taken over 56 years ago by Indonesia.

The West Papuan People have been calling since then for independence and are still protesting, risking arrest, torture and their own life.

The evening was presented by:
Joe Collins, secretary of the Australia West Papua Association, and
Sister Susan Connelly of the Order of St. Joseph introduced the issue and gave an update.

The very informative documentary Land of the Morning Star was also screened, and those who could not attend will be able to see it on YouTube at the following link:


Archive Info Evenings News & Events Special Film & Information Evenings

Festa della Liberazione – Italian Liberation Day Festa 26th April, 2019 6:30pm

Come and celebrate Italian Liberation Day with FILEF

This day commemorates the victory of the Resistance to nazi-fascism on 25 April 1945 which gave birth to the Italian Republic with a democratic Constitution recognising the fundamental value of labour.

This year’s theme is:

“Women and Resistance then and now”

Looking at Resistance during Fascism and Nazism and today against racism and other forms of oppression.

Festa della Liberazione will be held at the Associazione Napoletana in Leichhardt  and will include special guest speakers, film clips, dinner, and live music by the vibrant latin sounds of PAPALOTE

Lucia Sorbera, historian specializing in women and gender issues, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Arabic Languages and Cultures, University of Sydney. “Women in the historic Italian Resistance”

Mehreen Faruqi, Greens Senator in the Federal Parliament. Pakistani-born, she is the first Muslim woman to be elected to an Australian Parliament, after a 25 year career as a professional engineer and academic. “Women in today’s resistance to racism and other forms of oppression”


  • Associazione Napoletana, 1a Marion St Leichhardt.

  • Dinner consists of antipasto, lasagna (classic or vegetarian), dessert and coffee
  • Drinks: BYO or purchase at the counter
  • Booking in advance is essential for catering purposes through Trybooking
  • Facebook event
    For further information ring Bruno on 0414 234 701
Archive Info Evenings News & Events Special Film & Information Evenings

First Nations People growing up in Sydney’s Inner West – 2018


Archive Info Evenings News & Events Special Film & Information Evenings

The final event in FILEF Sydney’s series of Cultural Evenings for 2018

The final event in FILEF Sydney’s series of Cultural Evenings was


Prize-winning documentary on the plight of Western Sahara – Africa’s last colony and a UN-disputed territory.

Directed and produced by Canadian filmmaker Josh Campbell, who began the film as a research project for a Master in Journalism.

An overview of the ongoing and little-known conflict continuing since Morocco’s invasion of Western Sahara in 1975.

 Australia Western Sahara Association is part of a global network of community organizations which support the right the people of Western Sahara for independence from Morocco, the last colony in Africa and a UN-disputed territory.

Here in Australia, the Association works to raise awareness of a conflict that is very little known in this part of the world.

Special guest was Kamal Fadel, representative in Australia and Asia-Pacific of Polisario, the national liberation movement aiming to end Moroccan occupation of the Western Sahara.

Kamal holds a Master of International Relations from the University of Canterbury in the UK, holds a Post-Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice from the College of Law in Sydney and is admitted as a lawyer in Australia.

Trailer for the award-winning documentary, Sirocco: Winds of Resistance.

Synopsis: Saharawi women Senia Abderahman and Aziza Brahim share not only a common struggle, but also a common inheritance of nonviolent resistance from each of their grandmothers. Such traits of resistance were forged in the crucible of a distinct nomadic culture and a violent 40-year conflict that is reaching its tipping point today. Follow them as they push back against the corporate-backed occupation of their homeland, Western Sahara.

Archive Info Evenings News & Events Special Film & Information Evenings

SIROCCO – WINDS OF RESISTANCE – FILEF Film night, 6pm,1st November, 2018, Leichhardt Library, Piazza Level, Italian Forum Cultural Centre

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Australia Western Sahara Association and  FILEF invite you to a special screening of SIROCCO – WINDS OF RESISTANCE

A prize-winning documentary on the plight of Western Sahara – Africa’s last colony and a UN-disputed territory.

Directed and produced by Canadian filmmaker Josh Campbell, who began the film as a research project while completing a Master in Journalism. An overview of the ongoing and little-known conflict continuing since Morocco’s invasion of Western Sahara in 1975, of a struggle for independence using culturally derived methods of music, poetry and non-violent resistance.


Australia Western Sahara Association is one of a global network of community organisations which support the right of self-determination for the people of Western Sahara and works to raise awareness of the conflict (



Kamal Fadel, representative in Australia and the Asia-Pacific region of Polisario, the national liberation movement aiming to end Moroccan presence in the Western Sahara. Kamal holds a Master of International Relations, a post-graduate diploma of legal practice from College of Law in Sydney and is admitted as a lawyer in Australia

Q&A will follow.


Light Refreshments on arrival – Entry by donation


RSVP  or FB event

This will be Filef last event for the year, come and join us afterwards at the La Giara Restaurant, for some good food and music!

All welcome!