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UN seeks International Court of Justice opinion on Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine – Filef Australia
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UN seeks International Court of Justice opinion on Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine

UN seeks ICJ opinion on Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine

Updated: 31 Dec 2022 08:53 PM (GMT)
The United Nations General Assembly adopts a historic resolution referring the question of #Palestine & the legality/illegality of the #Israeli prolonged occupation to the International Court of Justice
The court will also address the responsibility of third states to bring the occupation to an end.

The UN General Assembly asked the ICJ to give an advisory opinion on the legal consequences of Israel’s “occupation, settlement and annexation … including measures aimed at altering the demographic composition, character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem, and from its adoption of related discriminatory legislation and measures”.

The UN resolution also asks the ICJ to advise on how those policies and practices “affect the legal status of the occupation” and what legal consequences arise for all countries and the UN from this status.

The ICJ last weighed in on the issue of Israel’s occupation in 2004, when it ruled that Israel’s wall in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem was illegal. Israel rejected that ruling, accusing the court of being politically motivated.  Full article here

Editor’s note: Australia was one of the countries which voted AGAINST the resolution