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East Timor – Filef Australia
News & Events

TIMOR SEA JUSTICE : THE CASE OF WITNESS K Thursday 27th June, Leichhardt Library, Italian Forum, Norton St, Leichhardt



FILEF invites you to an information evening on the latest developments concerning the controversial maritime negotiations between Australia and Timor Leste over an area rich in oil and gas.

Under the guise of an international aid project, Australian secret services interfered in the treaty process by spying on the Timor Leste cabinet in 2004 during negotiations about the sharing of the resources of the Timor Sea. In a kind of David and Goliath clash, Timor Leste and Australia argued before the International Court of Justice for a definition of maritime borders according to International Law.

The Australian secret agent now known as “Witness K” found out that officials who ordered the spying were lobbying for Woodside, the giant oil company involved. He complained to the spy agency and soon after, ‘Witness K’ and his lawyer Bernard Collaery were charged with revealing state secrets and they now risk two years in prison, while court proceedings have been dragging on and on.

SUSAN CONNELLY – PhD, Sister of St Joseph, Timor Sea Justice Forum, expert on Australia- Timor Leste relations
ElIZABETH BIOK – PhD, Solicitor at Legal Aid Commission, expert on refugee Law in the Asia-Pacific region

Q&A will follow ⋅ Light refreshments on arrival ⋅ Entry by donation
Bookings Evenbrite


JUNE 2019

Archive Info Evenings News & Events Special Film & Information Evenings

TIME TO DRAW THE LINE – A confronting David and Goliath story about two neighbours – East Timor and Australia – February 20th and 27th

The world fell in love with East Timor when it was born as a new nation after 24 years of occupation and war. Australia’s International Force for East Timor (INTERFET) supported the Timorese to secure peace., post the 1999 carnage.

Now, the chilling story of Australia’s relationship with this new nation must be told, almost two decades later.

Time to Draw the Line presents the campaign for a fair go for East Timor and that nation’s desire to settle its long-running maritime boundary dispute with Australia. Interviews include those Australians who are on the side (of the line) of the East Timorese and on the right side of history.

Time to Draw the Line is directed and produced by: Amanda King and Fabio Cavadini with Associate Producers Ines de Almeida and Janelle Saffin.

‘Time to Draw The Line’ is essential viewing for understanding how the extraction of resources has, time after time, usurped our morals.” – Damon Gameau Actor ‘Balibo’ ‘That Sugar Film’

“It’s fantastic. A strong argument, but also a terrific study of a period of history too. Congratulations, it is a very significant work on this issue.” – Robert Connolly, Director ‘Balibo’ ‘Barracuda’ 

SCREENINGSTTDTL banner 4 12.51.59 PM
The documentary TIME TO DRAW THE LINE is being screened via the Demand.Film’s website for cinema-on-demand bookings – single event screenings.



Monday FEBRUARY 27       6:30PM        DENDY CINEMAS NEWTOWN

There are screenings in Victoria and South Australia. Looking forward to screenings coming on in NT, WA and Tasmania.