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#BringThemHere – Filef Australia
News & Events

Why we still need to demand #BringThemHere – RAC statement

Refugee Action Coalition Sydney RAC statement:
Why we still need to demand #BringThemHere

The demand to “Bring Them Here”, for the refugees and asylum seekers on Nauru and Manus Island to be brought to Australia, has been a central demand of the refugee rights movement.
In recent weeks, there has been discussion about using the demand “Bring Them Here” in regard to the asylum seekers and refugees on Manus and Nauru.. Partly that stems from the fact that Manus refugees in particular (including Behrouz Boochani) raised the slogan “Let Them Go” during the Manus siege, both because understandably some people do not want to come to Australia, but mostly because for some of them “Let Them Go” was seen to be a more achievable demand.

But “Let them Go”, contrasted to “Bring Them Here”, would mean that the movement actually accepts the injustice of the expulsion of asylum seekers offshore and would accept an outcome that does not require Australia to recognise its responsibility to protect asylum seekers, as long as they get safety somewhere else.

Read full statement here

News & Events

Palm Sunday March for Refugees JUSTICE. PEACE. UNITY. We can do better! #BringThemHere

Sunday 9 April, 2pm
Hyde Park North
March to Circular Quay

U N I O N S  F O R  R E F U G E E S

MARK MOREY Secretary, Unions NSW
SAMUEL PHO Vietnamese refugee and Salvation Army National Secretary
SUE WAREHAM Medical Association for the Prevention of WarPlease join the union contingent at the Palm Sunday rally on 9 April. Let’s build on the success we had last year. We will also organise a social event for unionists after the march – details TBA.


1. Get your union to endorse the Palm Sunday rally if they have not already done so (see list at end). Donations also welcome.
2. Invite a refugee to speak at an upcoming union meeting to advertise the event. We can put you in touch with refugees who have experience doing this.
3. Circulate information about the rally internally. A graphic is below. We can deliver printed posters and leaflets to your office. Posters can be downloaded here.
4. Invite people to the facebook event here.


Ending the detention system is important for all workers – politicians consistently use it to build fear and racism of innocent people that poisons our workplaces and communities. Politicians use the detention and scapegoating of refugees to distract people from the government’s failure to provide decent jobs, health and education for all. Australia’s current refugee policy also wastes billions of dollars that could be used to help people, not to harm them. Detaining a single asylum seeker on Manus or Nauru costs $400,000 per year. When asylum seekers live in the community while their claims are processed it is much cheaper and allows them to contribute to society as well.

What is happening now?
Conditions for the refugees and asylum seekers dumped on Nauru a
nd Manus Island remain intolerable. Detention on Manus has claimed the lives of Reza Barati, Hamid Khazaei, Kamil Hussain and Faysal Ishak Ahmed, who died on Christmas Eve, following the failure to provide him with proper medical care. Last year Omid Masoumali died after losing hope on Nauru.

Malcolm Turnbull’s claim that Donald Trump will honour his US resettlement deal for refugees on Manus and Nauru is looking more and more doubtful. Refugees on Manus and Nauru are potentially caught by Trump’s extreme executive order banning Muslims and refugees from entering the US, as they face new “extreme vetting” procedures before being considered.

If the deal goes ahead, it is clear that hundreds of refugees will miss out, with a cap of 1250 people. Asylum seekers whose claims have not been fairly processed and anyone the US will not accept will remain stuck on Manus and Nauru. We still need to demand that the Australian government “Bring Them Here”.
There are also around 30,000 people seeking asylum in the community waiting for their claims to be processed, many unable to work and with only minimal income support. At most they will receive only Temporary Protection Visas, leaving them with the continuing threat of forced return and unable to reunite with their families.

Trump’s election and his hatred against Muslims, refugees and immigrants is encouraging some parliamentarians in Australia to follow suit. Trump’s belligerent language has disturbed governments and people across the planet and can only help induce more people into fleeing for safety. Australia should speak out to counter this effect. 

But Trump’s actions have also produced big protests in the US as well as here in Sydney and around the world. Support for refugees is growing here too. Last year’s #LetThemStayprotests stopped the government sending 267 refugees and asylum seekers back to Nauru and Manus Island. A majority of people now say detention of refugees on Manus and Nauru should end. Join us to step up the pressure for change. We can do better, #Bring them here.

Copyright © 2017 Unions 4 Refugees, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you have signed up on Unions for Refugees contact sheet or contacted us to support the campaign.


Our mailing address is:

Unions 4 Refugees

c/o Maritime Union of Australia

365 Sussex Street, Level 2

Sydney, Nsw 2000

Add us to your address book
Unions for Refugees is endorsed by Unions NSW

News & Events

RALLY FOR REFUGEES ON PALM SUNDAY #BringThemHere 2pm Sunday 9 April, Archibald Fountain, Hyde Park north

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2pm, Sunday 9th April, Archibald Fountain, Hyde Park South.



 What you can do:

1. Help us leaflet on Saturday 25 February on our “Super Stall Saturday” in the suburb nearest you, see below for details
2. Invite your friends to the Facebook event here
3. Print out a poster to put up at work or near where you live. Click here to download
4. Take some leaflets or posters to advertise the rally in your local areaEmail us and we can mail you some.

Donald Trump’s election has encouraged the racist right all around the world. Malcolm Turnbull says Trump is only “emulating” Australia’s efforts to keep out refugees. The need to stand together against racism is more urgent than ever. But Turnbull is under growing pressure to end the torture on Manus Island and Nauru. His US resettlement deal looks all but finished.

#BringThemHere #WeCanDoBetter #LetThemStay


News & Events

Forced Migration Research Network (FMRN) for an Academic Symposium at UNSW: February 21


If you’re feeling blue about recent political events, come and join the Forced Migration Research Network (FMRN) for an Academic Symposium at UNSW. The Symposium will  tackle a range of vexed questions on the role of research in refugee policy, on public opinion and the social realities of belonging. The Symposium also showcases some visual artists and filmmakers working with refugee communities. It will be run in panel format, leaving lots of room for discussion and questions from the audience.

The Symposium will end with a roundtable discussion on the New York Declaration and the resulting Global Compacts process, chaired by Jane McAdam and including Eileen Pittaway, Graham Thom, David Sanderson and Violeta Moreno-Lax.

Places have been allocated for unwaged participants, and people seeking asylum or from refugee backgrounds are particularly encouraged to apply.  For more information or to sign up, click the button below. 9e853195-216f-4e5c-883a-95e3762e2850



News & Events

Rally for refugees on Palm Sunday Justice, peace, unity #BringThemHere

2 pm Sunday 9 April, Archibald Fountain, 
Hyde Park North.

Invite your friends to the Facebook event here

Over the last few years there have been nationwide rallies on Palm Sunday for refugee rights, supported by peace groups, unions, church groups and refugee rights organisations.

Public support for refugees is growing. This year’s rally on Palm Sunday can be another display of the determined opposition to the government’s treatment of refugees and help build the momentum for change.


News & Events

New uncertainty over US deal: Time to close the camps and #BringThemHere

The White House statement today that the US resettlement deal with Australia is still “under consideration” has blown Malcolm Turnbull’s re-assurances out of the water.

There were already doubts about the deal following White House press secretary Sean Spicer’s statement that the refugees would be subjected to new “extreme vetting” procedures.

The cap on the number the US will accept now announced of 1250 is not enough to ensure all refugees on Manus and Nauru get a place in the US. There are already around 1800 recognised refugees there. Hundreds are going to be left behind, even if the deal goes through, and even if refugees survive the extreme vetting. It’s time to end the uncertainty and #BringThemHere.
Read our full media release here.
