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First Nations People: What Recognition

28 October 2017

First Australians: What Recognition

An information evening on current issues concerning First Nations People, such as Constitutional Recognition, Land Rights and Mining, the Intervention and Uluru: Statement from the Heart.

Watch the evenings proceedings – Ken Canning/Burraga Gutya, Thomas Major and the Uluru Statement, Adam Sharah from Gurungai Country, Lizzie Kruise Marrickville Youth Resource Centre, 

Watch full film Ningla A-Na: Hungry for our Country





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FIRST NATIONS PEOPLES: WHAT RECOGNITION, 26th October, 6pm, Leichhardt Library, Italian Forum, Piazza Level, 23 Norton St.

FILEF invites you to an information evening on current issues concerning the First Nations Peoples, with particular regard to constitutional recognition, land rights, and the Intervention.
• In 1972 the Aboriginal Tent Embassy united Aboriginal people throughout Australia in demanding national land rights and mobilized widespread non-indigenous support for their struggle.
• 45 year later, many of the demands for justice of the First Nations remain unanswered.
• In May 2017, the First Nations National Constitutional Convention in Uluru agreed on their
fundamental demands and issued the Uluru Statement from the Heart.

Ken Canning, a Murri activist from the Bidjara Nation in Queensland. Chairperson of the Indigenous Social Justice Association and founding member of Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning at the University of Technology Sydney.

Adam Sharah, from Guringai Country in New South Wales, land rights activist against mining companies. He is a contributor to the Brisbane Blacks publication and proudly associated with the Brisbane Aboriginal sovereign embassy.

Lizzie Kruise, managing support to urban Indigenous youth for Marrickville Youth Resource Centre, which offers a variety of services for young people.

Screening of excerpts from two iconic documentaries:
Ningla A Na – Hungry For Our Land, about the events surrounding the establishment of the Aboriginal tent Embassy in Canberra in 1972.

Q&A follows ― Light Refreshments on arrival ― Entry by donation
RSVP – Eventbrite

<a href=”” target=”_blank”><img src=”″ alt=”Eventbrite – FIRST NATIONS PEOPLES: WHAT RECOGNITION” /></a>


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25 APRIL 1945 – ITALIAN LIBERATION DAY From the Resistance then to global Resistance today FRIDAY 28 APRIL 6.30pm

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Come and celebrate with FILEF Italian Liberation Day, commemorating 25 April 1945 and the victory of the Resistance to nazi-fascism that gave birth to the Italian Republic and to a Constitution founded on the values of democracy and work.


La Festa della Liberazione or Festa del 25 Aprile is a classic yearly celebration for FILEF and its supporters, over 45 years of activism in Australia. So come and join us!


Umberto Grassi, of the University of Sydney, researcher for ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions, will outline the context of the resistance movements in Europe during WW2 and in the following years, and the role they played in the creation of democracies in their countries.


Frank Panucci, Filef committee member, will give an overview of the relevance of that movement on today’s global resistance to the dangerous rise of populism.


Cesare Popoli, Filef committee member and film fan, will offer a glimpse on stories of resistance and liberation by great masters of Italian cinema.


Entry by donation

RSVP / EventBrite

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ITALIAN FORUM CULTURAL CENTRE, Studio 1, Norton St, Leichhardt.

FILEF invites you to an evening exploring the role of women in the new global resistance to the rise of sexism, racism and intolerance.

On International Women’s Day, millions of women around the world and in Australia led protests against this rising tide of hate and division, creating a historic new movement of resistance spreading globally thanks to social media.


What is our role in the multicultural communities here in Australia?


GUESTS include:

  • Mehreen Faruqi, Greens MP in the NSW Legislative Council. Pakistani born, professional engineer and academic, is the first Muslim woman to be a member of an Australian parliament.
  • Penny O’Donnell, Senior lecturer in International Media and Journalism, University of Sydney,
    researcher on intercultural dialogues in the networked environment.
  • Concetta Perna, President of the National Italian-Australian Women’s Association, writer, university lecturer. Author of textbooks aimed at teaching Italian language and culture.
  • Kate Lee, Executive Officer, Union Aid Abroad APHEDA, the global justice organisation of the Australian union movement.


Screenings: 8 marzo/March 8 Filef street theatre pièce on the origin of IWD. Video reportage of women’s global protests.

Q&A and light refreshments will follow.

Entry by donation RSVP / EventBrite

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New Italian Migration to Australia – Film: 88 Days on Australian Farms. Friday, 24th February, 6:30pm

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COME AND MEET the new wave of young Italians arriving in Australia, in numbers exceeding the mass migration of the ‘50s and ‘60s.

SCREENING of video reportage

88 DAYS on Australian farms (35 mins)

Winner best direction, 2015 FILEF Short Film Competition

Director Matteo Maffesanti; Screenwriter Michele Grigoletti; Researcher Silvia Pianelli

A journey through dreams, hopes and thoughts of young Italians in Australia on a working holiday visa.

SPEAKERS will include experts on Italian migration and on services available to the newly arrived:

Michele Grigoletti and Silvia Pianelli – researchers and authors of the report: Giovani italiani in Australia. Un viaggio da temporaneo a permanente.

Marco Zangari – Youth and Family Project Officer for Co.As.It. (Italian Association

of Assistance).

Claudio Scamporlino – co-founder of IL FARO, a social media organization advising young Italians, already in Australia or intending to come.

Newly arrived Italians will share their experiences.

Q&A and light refreshments will follow.

Entry by donation

incontro culturale.pdf

Archive Info Evenings News & Events Special Film & Information Evenings

TIME TO DRAW THE LINE – A confronting David and Goliath story about two neighbours – East Timor and Australia – February 20th and 27th

The world fell in love with East Timor when it was born as a new nation after 24 years of occupation and war. Australia’s International Force for East Timor (INTERFET) supported the Timorese to secure peace., post the 1999 carnage.

Now, the chilling story of Australia’s relationship with this new nation must be told, almost two decades later.

Time to Draw the Line presents the campaign for a fair go for East Timor and that nation’s desire to settle its long-running maritime boundary dispute with Australia. Interviews include those Australians who are on the side (of the line) of the East Timorese and on the right side of history.

Time to Draw the Line is directed and produced by: Amanda King and Fabio Cavadini with Associate Producers Ines de Almeida and Janelle Saffin.

‘Time to Draw The Line’ is essential viewing for understanding how the extraction of resources has, time after time, usurped our morals.” – Damon Gameau Actor ‘Balibo’ ‘That Sugar Film’

“It’s fantastic. A strong argument, but also a terrific study of a period of history too. Congratulations, it is a very significant work on this issue.” – Robert Connolly, Director ‘Balibo’ ‘Barracuda’ 

SCREENINGSTTDTL banner 4 12.51.59 PM
The documentary TIME TO DRAW THE LINE is being screened via the Demand.Film’s website for cinema-on-demand bookings – single event screenings.



Monday FEBRUARY 27       6:30PM        DENDY CINEMAS NEWTOWN

There are screenings in Victoria and South Australia. Looking forward to screenings coming on in NT, WA and Tasmania.

Archive Info Evenings News & Events Special Film & Information Evenings

INCONTRI CULTURALI – Islamophobia or Inclusion?

FILEF and the Greens NSW Multicultural Committee invite you to a discussion evening to raise awareness on Islamophobia in Australia and on how to overcome it. The evening will include a short film, speakers and a Q&A, as well as refreshments.



Studio 1, Norton Street Leichhardt


6:30pm refreshments, 7pm start


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INCONTRI CULTURALI – Palestinians under Occupation

FILEF and the Coalition for Justice and Peace in Palestine (CJPP) invite you to an information evening on the situation in Palestine and the non-violent movement for justice and peace.
The evening will include a short film, speakers, Q & A, Palestine Fair Trade Australia products, and light refreshments

Palestinians under Occupation

FRIDAY 29 JULY 6:30pm


Studio 1, Norton St Leichhardt

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Archive Info Evenings News & Events Special Film & Information Evenings

All movies from Filef film festival 2015 – NOW ON LINE!

The 10 short films screened at the FILEF Short Film Festival on the 31 October are now available on “Canale Filef, in our website.

Films took part in the competition run this year by FILEF with the support of the Sydney Film School, as a celebration of the UN International Year of Soils.

First Prize went to Think Small, Think Different by Lucio Arisci and Federico Betta and second prize to Action for Peace and Development in the Philippines (APDP) jointly for two entries: Defend Talaingod and Face to Face. Prize for best directors to Silvia Pianelli, Matteo Maffesanti and Michele Grigoeletti for 88 Days (on Australian Farms),for youngest director to Tim Eddy for The Land of the Long White Cloud and for best interpretation to Divashini Ramesh, the daughter in Adopted Land by Eelan Ilanko.

And not to be missed: My Backyard, Your Backyard by ItSoWel in Wollongong and Bittersweet Victory by newspaper cartoonist Rocco Fazzari.

ALSO EXPLORE other videos in FILEF Youtube, including the films of 2014 Filef Short Film Competition “Il Viaggio – The Journey” and selections from the historic Filef Theatre plays of the 1980s.


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Notevole interesse sta suscitando il libro autobiografico di Carmela (Carmen) Lavezzari “Memorie di una ‘persona di interesse’”, il cui lancio ufficiale ha avuto luogo nella Biblioteca Comunale di Leichhardt, nella Piazza dell’Italian Forum alla presenza di oltre 100 persone. Ha presentato il libro bilingue, in italiano e in inglese, lo storiografo della comunità italiana in Australia Gianfranco Cresciani, che ne ha curato l’edizione e ha scritto l’introduzione storica, inquadrando le esperienze di Carmela e del marito Umberto in un periodo della recente storia australiana in cui prevaleva un’ossessione per il “pericolo comunista”, e quindi per ogni atteggiamento progressista.

Ha preso la parola anche il sindaco di Leichhardt Rochelle Porteous, che ha elogiato Carmela per il suo impegno sociale e attivismo politico. Dopo un messaggio di ringraziamento Carmela ha risposto alle domande del pubblico, parlando fra l’altro e delle esperienze sue e del marito Umberto, di immigrati prima in Svizzere e poi in Australia, dei primi rapporti con il mondo australiano dei sindacati e con i comunisti australiani e poi l’attivismo con la FILEF.

Nella sua introduzione Cresciani descrive la storia dei Lavezzari come degna di nota per tre ragioni. Innanzitutto perché l’ha scritta di sua mano la stessa protagonista, superando le difficoltà di vita di tanti immigrati “e ci ha consegnato, con sforzo e anche con sofferenza, una preziosa testimonianza del contributo suo e di Umberto allo sviluppo della loro patria di adozione”. Una seconda ragione è che il racconto “smentisce un’opinione ampiamente diffusa, secondo cui gli immigrati italiani sono interessati solo a fare soldi e a fare figli, isolati dalla partecipazione politica attiva, rinchiusi in un loro universo dominato da pasta, pizza e povertà. Carmela e Umberto – in Italia, in Svizzera e in Australia – hanno manifestato una coscienza sociale e politica, prendendo parte attiva in formazioni e associazioni politiche australiane oltre che italiane, esprimendo sostegno per diverse cause, dall’istruzione ai servizi sociali, dallo sviluppo artistico al mantenimento culturale, per citarne solo qualcuna.

La terza, significativa, ragione per cui la storia di Carmela è fuori del comune è per la sua ‘doppia dimensione’: la prima, quella di una ‘normale’ donna di classe lavoratrice, emigrata, operaia in fabbrica, moglie e madre. L’altra dimensione, fino a poco tempo fa sconosciuta anche a loro, nasce dal fatto che quasi subito dopo essersi stabiliti a Sydney, lei e Umberto entrarono nel mirino dell’ASIO come “persone di interesse”. Durante gli anni 1950 e 1960 la paura dei comunisti, dei “rossi sotto il letto”, dominava incontrastata nei media australiani e nella cerchia governativa. I simpatizzanti comunisti, veri o presunti, erano strettamente sorvegliati dai servizi segreti.

I Lavezzari vennero all’attenzione dell’ASIO già nell’aprile 1961, quando solo i loro primi nomi, “Umberto” e “Carmen”, comparvero su Tribune, il giornale del CPA, il Partito Comunista Australiano, fra i partecipanti al picnic annuale del giornale. Solo molti anni dopo, nel 2009 e 2010, i Lavezzari hanno avuto accesso, grazie alla Legge sulla Libertà di Informazione, al volume 1 (fino al 1973) dei loro dossier.

Memorie di una ‘persona di interesse’, (158 pagine, Edizioni Padana Press), scritte in italiano e in inglese. Prezzo $20, per ordinazioni mandare un email a Carmela Lavezzari:


Carmela Lavezzari parla del suo libroCarmen con il sindaco di Leichhardt Rochelle Porteous e il marito AurelioLo storiografo Gianfranco Cresciani presenta 'Memorie di una persona di interesse' Carmen firma libro per Frank Barbaro della FILEF di AdelaideIl Sindaco di Leichhardt Rochelle Porteous si congratula con CarmenCarmen, Paolo Totaro e Patrizia Ravalico  Cresciani, Carmen e ClaudioCarmen firma per Concetta Perna, dell'Associazione Donne Italo-AustralianeIl pubblico