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Film Screening of ‘Another Country’ Human rights day, 6 pm, Friday 9th December. Redfern Community Centre, 29-53 Hugo Street, Sydney, Australia 2016 – Filef Australia
News & Events

Film Screening of ‘Another Country’ Human rights day, 6 pm, Friday 9th December. Redfern Community Centre, 29-53 Hugo Street, Sydney, Australia 2016

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A film told by David Gulpilil followed by discussion and Q&A with Director Molly Reynolds, FISTT representative Lynda-June Coe and Jumbunna Senior Researcher Jason De Santolo

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Stop the Intervention Collective Sydney (STICS) brings this amazing and insightful documentary to Sydney and offers a unique discussion with the director and local Aboriginal academics exploring the state of Human Rights for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in the Northern Territory.